Re: Ridiculous
> even citizens of a democracy
Russia isnt one. It pretends to be one, it tries to look like one to say "look at me, I'm in the club" but the actual gears and stuff that make the whole society work is as dictatorial as ever.
Sancions including ones imposed by FLOSS projects are whats needed to reduce damage a rouge state (you cant trust anyone with code commits from such a state surely?) can do as well as help put pressure on such a state to hopfully force the people to finally do something about it.
These commits. Who wrote them. Why? What do they do? How can you trust anything from anyone who could either be a supporter of the terroist state or simply wishes to appear to be for the sake of their own safety? Just because you've known them for years, doesnt mean they are the same person. They could be very different kinds of people now, not only actually fake individuals impersonating the developer or the developer who this in that very odd, old fashioned way we hear from Russia these days "wishes to protect the fatherland".
Fatherland, heck even motherland. What kind of cold war language is this? Sure we have patriotism here in Blighty, I'm all for it, I fly the Union Flag on VE day and on the coming corronation, I even anm very happy the British Empire did all the good stuff it did, the worled bloody needed it and we would be in a very very different world if it handt. If I were given an OBE, I would be the last person to squirm at the meaning of the "BE".
But even I feel a strange discomfort with this "fatherland" mentality. It's on their TV, its said in their streets. They think VERY differently than the west do and when they contribute to western projects or even release whole projects to be used by the west, FLOSS or not, how can you trust it?
We can read the code. But many programmers and security professionals will understand that there is code between the functions, unintended effects, unknown exploits. That code may be fine on paper/screen but unless you actually look at how the CPU registers are being used, what else is going on, you will miss that "special" set of circumstances that can be triggered to [insert possibilities here].
At the end of the day it bolis down to trust. Nothing more.
So when a FLOSS project rejects a contrib then its eiether a political issue or a trust issue. Being FLOSS the Russians can simply fork the code and use their own patches.
Would you use North Korean code?
Would you use TikTok on corporate mobiles?
How is this different from when we all decided to get rid of Huawei?
Is anyone seriously still using Kaspersky?
Keep in mind that most of the civilised world has policies and legal frameworks banning co-operation with anything or anyone linked to slavery. How is this different?
> What would you do in their situation?
The right thing. Demand change. Demand the dictator is removed. But I likley wont do that as I know, just like they do, I wont be free should I say those things and maybe I wont be alive to enjoy my release from prison.