back to article Ex-Meta security staffer accuses Greece of spying on her phone

Meta's former security policy manager, who split her time between the US and Greece, is reportedly suing the Hellenic national intelligence service for hacking her phone. After apparently wiretapping her mobile, the Greek spy agency allegedly deployed Predator surveillance software on Artemis Seaford's device while she was …

  1. sitta_europea Silver badge

    Beware of *Geeks* bearing GIFs.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Predator spyware is illegal in Greece, and a government spokesperson denied the accusations.

    A good summary :)

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Predator spyware is illegal in Greece, and a government spokesperson denied the accusations.

      Never believe anything until it has been officially denied

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Predator spyware is illegal in Greece, and a government spokesperson denied the accusations.

      Are we really to believe the Greek spy industry is so cunning and advanced??

      This from the same country that crashed it's economy because no-one bothered to pay their taxes?

  3. Yorick Hunt Silver badge


    It's like Jehovah's Witnesses not liking Halloween because they don't want random strangers knocking on their doors.

    So too, an employee of one of the (if not the) biggest usurpers of private data in the world decided to go finger-pointing.

    Shouldn't you be bowing your head in shame if you're a "security staffer" who allowed themselves to get pwned (if the allegation is even true)?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: PMSL

      Going by the description of the hack, there's no shame to be had. Only the most paranoid would be suspicious of a follow up message including the *correct details* of an appointment just booked.

      1. eldakka

        Re: PMSL

        Paranoia - as well as being a dick - are pre-requisites for working in security.

      2. JimboSmith

        Re: PMSL

        I must be paranoid then because I have a different feature phone for SMS that doesn’t connect to the Internet. If you send me a link on an SMS to that number clicking on it has no effect at all. I have to laboriously copy the address over to another device and check the address then for anomalies or malicious content on the landing page.

    2. doublelayer Silver badge

      Re: PMSL

      "Shouldn't you be bowing your head in shame if you're a "security staffer" who allowed themselves to get pwned (if the allegation is even true)?"

      No. As someone who works in security, one thing that you will find out if you don't already know it by working in security is that you are not impervious to attack and nor is anyone else. For the same reason, if you're an expert at self defense tactics and someone shoots you, that is not a cause of shame for you and it does not exonerate the shooter. Victim blaming doesn't help.

  4. WonkoTheSane
    Big Brother

    Finger pointing

    Why is she so certain that Greece hacked her phone, and not the USA?

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Finger pointing

      saw her name on a leaked list of spyware targets in the Greek news

  5. TeeCee Gold badge


    Meta's security policy manager clicked on a link sent in an SMS without bothering to check what it was really doing first? I wonder what it says about that sort of thing in, er, Meta's security policy?

    I guess that's as good a reason as any for being their former security policy manager.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: So.

      A message from the government health ministry containing a link that installed government mandated vaccination app

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I know my phone is a spying device, I know it tracks my location and use. I know a simple request from anyone in LE or pretending to, can access it.

    The most private thing on my phone is a picture of a pimple on my ass to inspect it.

    I'm more interested in what made her worth spying on by a government.

    Repeat after me; Phone/Internet is a service, it is not mine, it is not securable. Now you know better.

  7. Roj Blake Silver badge


    The irony of Meta person complaining about being spied upon must hit at least 10 kilospoons on the Morrisette scale.

    1. Korev Silver badge

      Re: Irony

      10 kilospoons on the Morrisette scale

      Bravo Sir -->

      The Register of old used to have the Standards Unit, this really should have been added to it

  8. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    After apparently wiretapping her mobile?

    Who designed an OS that can be hacked by clicking on a malicious URL?

    Who designed an SMS system that can be spoofed or re-directed?

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: After apparently wiretapping her mobile?

      They installed a legitimate app that exploited a zero day exploit to install the spyware.

      The same company has used zero day on Apple and Android to run the same software.

  9. ChoHag Silver badge

    What we're seeing here is that Facebook's security is so good that it takes the concerted effort of Greece's security services to get past it.

  10. JacobZ


    I have a cynical suspicion that El Reg completely fabricated this story just for the subhead.

  11. Furious Reg reader John

    Wow, so much hate for Cytrox in the comments, NOT

    Good to see all the "they are so disgusting", "nuke them from space" etc comments being repeated here that always accompany any story about governmental misuse of NSO's software.

    1. Furious Reg reader John

      Re: Wow, so much hate for Cytrox in the comments, NOT

      So it was the "Now, remind me, what is the name for the affliction when you think the **** are the root of all evil?" bit that got my first post banned. Let's see how I can rephrase it, so it is acceptable.

  12. Furious Reg reader John

    Hopefully this won't get banned as I haven't used a certain word

    So relating to the responses about stories regarding the use of NSO's software by governments vs the use of Cytrox's software by governments.

    NSO is total open about it being an Israeli company, and that it was founded by people who follow the religion that in Israel has the highest percentage of the population following it.

    It is not clear where Cytrox are based, but allegedly Europe. Confusion about its ownership, confusion about the religion of the people who own it, so it isn't clearly an Israeli company owned by people who follow the religion that in Israel has the highest percentage of the population following it.

    Looking at the responses: NSO=worst thing ever, and it, and its surroundings should be nuked; Cytrox=meh

    Now, remind me, what is the name for the affliction when you think the followers of the religion that in Israel has the highest percentage of the population following it are the root of all evil?

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