I don't have this problem because:
1. I have an iPhone, not an Android
2. even if Apple is sufficiently stupid as to have a similar bug, I upload all (repeat, ALL) photos to one of my computers (Apple, Windows, Ubuntu, usually a Mac 'cause it's easiest) and DELETE THEM FROM THE BLOODY PHONE. All image manipulation is done on a desktop machine. I might, if I feel like it, stick any photos I want on the phone into something like Apple's Photos, which cloudifies stuff; I don't usually use Photos, in large part because I don't bloody trust cloudy crap. (Yes, the photos are automagically dropped into Photos ninth first place. Yes, I nuke 'em good from Photos. If the photos ain't on the bloody phone, or in the bloody cloud, they can't be bloody hacked.) At the current time I have exactly 15 photos on my two iPhones. Three of them are images used as wallpaper for the phones and an iPad, I didn't like the wallpaper which shipped with the iDevices.
3. if I had an Android I still wouldn't have this problem, see 2. above. I used to have an Android, a Very Long Time Ago. When I did have the Android, I'd feed photos (I didn't have many, the Android was shitty, had a bad camera and not much space and I didn't have it for long anyway) to Windows machines, work there, and delete from the phone. Mostly to conserve space, that thing was really short on storage.
Can someone explain to me why people keep lots of photos on phones and even do image manipulation there?