Re: They mean, pay again
"it is important to note that poverty still persists in many parts of the world. According to the World Bank, approximately 9.2% of the world's population lived in extreme poverty in 2020, which is defined as living on less than $1.90 per day."
This is very true. But that is where we are currently but when compared to the past is a massive reduction and continuing to reduce. It is something that requires the countries to reduce corruption and increase globalization. I do hope to see global poverty eliminated by the end of my lifetime and it is possible.
"Moreover, the benefits of globalization have not been equally distributed, and many people, particularly in developing countries, have not seen significant improvements in their standard of living. In some cases, globalization has even contributed to increased inequality and exploitation, as multinational corporations take advantage of low labor costs and lax regulations in developing countries."
But that inequality and exploitation is what caused the drop in poverty. People dont have a better life when everyone is equally poor, but when people are allowed to grow and improve their lives it has a knock on effect to improve the lives of those around them. China greatly reduced poverty because they did cheap jobs nobody wanted in rich countries, and unequal growth caused their country to vastly improve at incredible speed not the enforced equality before.
"Therefore, while globalization has the potential to further reduce poverty levels, it is important to address its negative impacts and work towards a more equitable and sustainable global economic system that benefits everyone, not just the wealthy few."
I dont know how we can stop the less desirable inequality while getting the benefit of everyone getting richer but unequally so. I dont know of anywhere in the world this works.
*Btw I upvoted your comment. Appreciate the conversation