back to article Fewer bonuses for Apple staff in latest cost-cutting measure

Apple still isn't giving into Silicon Valley peer pressure to lay off swaths of its staff to cut costs, and is instead reportedly extending its hiring freeze and changing the way it awards employee bonuses. The change is expected to see some Apple divisions switch from a twice-a-year bonus to an annual payout schedule, extend …

  1. MrMerrymaker


    They should be the first to drop.

    Docking the bonuses of lower staff is not going to be as effective as it affecting all.

    I will keep dreaming

    1. NoneSuch Silver badge


      "They should be the first to drop."

      He's not wrong. In a perfect world, that's exactly what would happen.

      VP of Sales estimates 800 million in sales for 2022 and only hits 600 mil, then no bonus for you. Responsibility in the Board Room, whodathunk it. You'd think shareholders would insist on it.

      Laying off people is an idiotic response. Apple cash on hand for the quarter ending December 31, 2022 was $51.355 billion. Not feeling bad for them in the slightest. It's Joe and Mary Lunchbox who needs support.

  2. trevorde Silver badge

    Real reason Apple cut bonuses

    They're saving up to buy Twitter, aren't they?

  3. The Velveteen Hangnail

    Oh woe is me

    Oh oh oh poor Apple... They weren't able to print QUITE as much money so now the rank and file have to pay the price.

    It's disgusting. There is no reason nor excuse for this.

  4. Groo The Wanderer

    The greedy swine at the top of Corporate North America are ALWAYS the first to pig-out at the trough.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    “ Even poor Tim Cook is taking a 40 percent pay cut, meaning he'll earn just $49 million this year”

    Has someone set up a GoFundMe for poor Tim yet? How’s he going to show his face at Davos next year?

  6. s. pam

    Rotten to the Core

    all the mangement who make higher salaries should be given a token $1/£1/€1 so the employees receive their full bonuses, on time/schedule

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