Re: Well certainly putting the "bin" in binance then
"Not loving that anyone who thinks that a trillion dollar industry that is growing every year"
The industry part seems to be attempts to magic money out of thin air. It's rather like advertising in that respect, but at least with advertising you know that at least some eyeballs had to put up with viewing the ill-considered shit that was foisted upon them.
"with thousands of the worlds top devs"
Probably not a surprise, though call me cynical at "thousands". There's a load of really complex maths involved and some people enjoy that sort of thing.
"and hundreds if not thousands of scientific research papers demonstrating how it can (and is already) solving real world problems"
Meaningless. There's hundreds if not thousands of papers saying the same sorts of things about quantum mechanics and yet we're not really that much further along than a decade or so ago. It seems to be rather easy to tout for funding for "research" when one can blather good sounding things about barely understood (by normal people) concepts.
"(e.g self-sovereign digital identity/privacy, supply chain logistics, decentralized finance/storage/computing, tokenisation of physical assets etc.)"
Because, of course, absolutely none of this existed and/or was a mostly solved problem before cryptocurrency became a thing.
"can be written of as just "magic beans""
When Bitcoin got "old" and less valued, along came something else (Ethereum?). It's a cycle that will rinse and repeat.
I'd be interested to know if people around here have actually made decent amounts with crypto mining and such, because it's one thing to have half a mil in a digital wallet, and another thing to get that translated into cold hard cash. To me, it seems like far to much a massive Ponzi scheme that relies upon everybody else buying into the delusion (hmm, yet another parallel with advertising).