Timeframe - very cool
As you say he can certainly write well. His self deprecating style fits well.
Glad to hear that the author has a Joyce!
There's more to inexpensive single-board computers than the Raspberry Pi. Some DIY projects are just for fun, but others also have immediate practical value – like a low-power, self-updating desk calendar. Cheap mass-market hardware is causing something of a golden age of experimental do-it-yourself computer building. It must …
I am very happy to see this getting the attention it deserves. I have always been a fan of the 'thin client' approach to information display, rendering the image on a server or host and simply downloading as a bit map to be put on the display. It means the code for a display can be very simple and easy to implement with the hard work relegated to the host. By rendering to a virtual page on the host and down-sizing for the display itself you only need one host program which can be enhanced forever, as and when needed.
It's a nice framework to adopt and I have used this approach with Raspberry Pi Zero W attached to TVs and monitors and am now looking at doing the same with the Pi Pico W - It has become my 'hello world' program.
So +1, thumbs-up, me too, well done.
So CP/M emulation and Turbo Pascal COULD run on this. I used a Z-80 Card in an Apple 11E and ran Pascal on it for a class at JC long ago. The lab at school had nothing but PCs. I worked full Tim over the hill in Santa Clara and night class was in Santa Cruz that made for. Avery long day but inescapable if I wanted to code and do printouts. So the 11E got me through, saving hours and hours of traffic..