back to article Microsoft wants you to build quantum apps in Azure, the cloud that's both up and down

Microsoft believes that solving the world's most intractable problems – reversing climate change, for instance – will ultimately require combining supercomputers, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing. According to Microsoft's Krysta Svore – who heads up Redmond's quantum development program – it'll take a rather …

  1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    IBM is a quantum monster

    Out of the 67 quantum processors existing in 2023 so far, IBM makes 34 of them, so half of all the model types in existence. It therefore follows that IBM is #1 on the list of quantum companies.

    Microsoft is #3 on that list, following Google. The first two have their own quantum processors. Microsoft has none to its name (yet), so that means it's buying from someone - and there's an even chance that that means IBM.

    I had no idea that IBM was so into quantum computing. Must explain why I've been feeling like it disappeared from the IT landscape for the past decade . . .

    1. O RLY

      Re: IBM is a quantum monster

      "Must explain why I've been feeling like it disappeared from the IT landscape for the past decade"

      Well, that and selling their PC, server, and low- and mid-tier storage off, then spinning out their traditional IT services biz.

    2. druck Silver badge

      Re: IBM is a quantum monster

      Out of the 67 quantum processors existing in 2023 so far, IBM makes 34 of them, so half of all the model types in existence.

      None of then work though. Even the journalists are starting to see through the hype now, as it says in the article.

      While fault tolerant quantum supercomputers remain a ways off – if they're even possible in the first place

  2. elsergiovolador Silver badge

    Worry not

    Our government gives grants for quantum research!

    The caveat?

    Your project’s total costs must not exceed £500,000.


  3. Lil Endian

    Reversing Climate Change

    Climate change? What climate change?

    Next they'll be saying that these new fangled systems can prove the Earth's not flat but an oblate spheroid... Witchcraft!!!

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Meanwhile, Microsoft Quantum App error code:

    +++Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++

    <Tips hat to Sir Terry Pratchett>

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Simulated hardware ?

    WTF ? What is the point to do Quantum computing on simulated hardware ?

    I fail to see the use case, except insane monthly bills.

    1. Old-dog

      Re: Simulated hardware ?

      I guess to test algorithms for quantum computers.

  6. druck Silver badge

    How about concentratring on a different Q

    Microsoft Quantum software? Microsoft can't even QA their conventional software.

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