Re: Doing a Musk
Interesting. Who assigned me that opinion, and how did they do that without my knowledge?
And, oh, the argument from authority rarely works even if the authority in question has some bearing on the subject; I would, for example, be inclined to pay attention to something Einstein said about physics, but less inclined to pay attention to any pronouncements of his on, say, medieval history. (Except if he was talking about how siege engines worked. That would be close enough to physics. Siege engine _tactics_, now, I would suspect that I know a bit more than he did… if only because I have done quite a bit of research on that subject. Hint: there are differences between catapults, ballistas, and trebuchets, just to name one point often gotten wrong by those who don’t pay attention.) in this case, the two persons referred to have no credibility on the subject. Their opinions are without value.
Scott Adams said what he said. He has not denied it. My, unassigned, opinion is that I won’t be giving one penny to anyone who has that opinion. Buying stuff advertised on his site would be subsidizing him. I decline to do that. I, and many others, have let vendors know my opinion. The vendors have decided that they want my money more than they want to support him. People like his comics syndicate were advised that there would be little, if any, advertising support, and so dropped him, because they wanted my money more than they wanted to support him.
It is exactly the same with Ye. Very few support him. A very large majority despise him.