back to article Intel rattles the tin for another €5B in subsidies to build German fab

Intel is said to be asking for an additional €4-5 billion euros in subsidies to build a semiconductor manufacturing plant in Germany, on top of the €6.8 billion ($7.3 billion) already agreed. The chip giant announced early last year that it had selected a site at Magdeburg in eastern Germany to build a new mega-fab after …

  1. elsergiovolador Silver badge


    So fab is one thing, but what Intel is actually going to be making?

    The same legacy CPUs that they just rebrand year on year and put some fresh lipstick on?

    Why don't Germany get a fab for ST going, where there are actual shortages?

    1. blackcat Silver badge

      Re: Fab-ulous

      Cos those are legacy nodes and not the shiny and sparkly new 7nm or whatever they are doing these days.

      Yes, we DESPERATELY need capacity in old node sizes outside of China and Taiwan but 1) its dull and 2) shortage of supply = higher price.

      1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

        Re: 7mm????

        If the EU puts its hand in their collective pockets then they MUST insiit that Intel bring their latest 1.8nm (or whatever it is called) FAB to Europe.

        If not? Tell them to take a hike and get a company that will make cutting edge wafers especially for the Car Industry.

  2. Kev99 Silver badge

    Intel threw off $7.6 BILLION in 2022. They no more need to suck at the public teat than brick.

  3. Julian 8

    you pay to build it, we take the money

    I am staggered at all these private companies that want money to build the very things they need, or to bail them out when it all goes a bit wrong and have never provisioned or planned for the future. If I was the German gvt, I would be demanding a shit load of shares so I can get some decent divi's and expect a return at some stage in the future.

    1. Spazturtle Silver badge

      Re: you pay to build it, we take the money

      Why would Intel agree to that?

      The whole point is that it is cheaper for Intel to build in other countries, if Germany wants the fabs to be in Germany then it need to pay Intel to cover the extra expenses that Intel will incur by building in Germany.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: you pay to build it, we take the money

        Presumably if Intel agree to build this plant they will get fined in the USA for illegal state help - so Intel need the extra money to make up for the losses in the US market

        1. Wellyboot Silver badge

          Re: you pay to build it, we take the money

          More or less the same state aid rules apply in Europe so in theory STmicro can trot up to the Germans and ask for the same cash in return for a new plant.

    2. Wellyboot Silver badge

      Re: you pay to build it, we take the money

      There's no group quite like American corporations when it comes to asking for public money and then using every trick in the book to avoid paying taxes on the profits derived from the 'investment'.

      As for shares, these cash values are a little over 5% of Intel market cap so maybe a 5% shareholding seems equitable - don't hold your breath!

  4. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Intel is asking for a few billions ?

    Intel full-year 2022 revenue : $63.1 billion.

    You're going to have a hell of a job convincing me that they need more money to generate revenue.

    1. elsergiovolador Silver badge

      Re: Intel is asking for a few billions ?

      Somebody think of shareholders!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Intel is asking for a few billions ?

        You clearly failed to notice the massive cut in the Intel dividend in the last few weeks.

        1. elsergiovolador Silver badge

          Re: Intel is asking for a few billions ?

          I sold my Intel stock ages ago...

    2. NoneSuch Silver badge

      Re: Intel is asking for a few billions ?

      "You're going to have a hell of a job convincing me that they need more money to generate revenue."

      Standard curriculum taught at Elon Musk University. Never use your own money.

  5. Potemkine! Silver badge


    This one is legal, incredibly.

  6. VoiceOfTruth

    So, where are the corruption charges?

    Ericsson was "fined" (I call call it demanding money with menaces) by the US government: (

    Subsidy = legalised brown envelopes.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I have said this before

    but I will say it again. The amount of bribes paid to companies to manufacture in a specific country will pale into insignificance compared to the bribe needed to make them stay there.

    But governments are so full of themselves (using phrases such as "too big to fail" or "look how important we are, we can spend loads of taxpayers money") that they won't learn will they, because there is bound to be a bung in it for whoever makes the decision... paid for by using part of the taxpayers "economic incentive" of course...


    1. NeilPost

      Re: I have said this before

      This is just state sanctioned bribery.

  8. Tron Silver badge

    Bend over and pucker up.

    Governments are operating by nationalist rules now. That's expensive. Replicating Taiwan in the US before it pivots to China. Replicating Uncle Sam in Europe for when the US cuts the world in two.

    Chipmakers should work out how much they need for a free ride, double it and add a zero. If politicians are going to be idiots with public money, that's their business. Let them wreck global trade and the global economy. Bag enough of a subsidy and you can buy your own island, one not run by clowns.

    1. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

      Re: Bend over and pucker up.

      "Let them wreck global trade and the global economy. Bag enough of a subsidy and you can buy your own island ..."

      Sure, but can you keep it? Maybe you can build a private navy to fend off the pirates, but then your little island nation has to worry about a coup by the vice admiral. Making money is one thing, but for spending it even criminals depend on stable governments. Well, except maybe the drug cartels, when they have been sampling the product too often.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Money grabbing cocksuckers

    Intel - just fuck off.

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