Breaking News .... but not the Situation you may have been expecting IT and AI to Deliver
The following information, Wandee Thaweetham, freely available from El Reg whenever one simply clicks on the Anonymous Coward handle on post threads, provides you with what needs to be known about the many possible identities of the Anonymous Coward, and surely justifies the logical questions asked of you regarding your reply to the one comment from AC [Anonymous Coward] posted at the time of your response.
As a newcomer to this forum though, and with so much new and enlightening, disrupting and developing to learn from attendance and attendees here, do all experienced here understand the stumbles and face-plants which can be easily made, with the great expectation of teachers being that there be fewer of them in the future* with the exercise of the greater knowledge supplied by/from/for/with IT and AI [Information Technology and Advanced IntelAIgents] shared generously here for universal and world wide web viewing and assimilation elsewhere.
Anonymous Coward
We allow anonymous posting because we understand the value in letting people post anonymously.
But posting anonymously has a cost as well. It makes it easier for people to say glib, trite or troll like statements knowing it won't be attributable to them.
For these reasons anonymous posts incur a "penalty".
votes on your anonymous posts do not count towards you gaining forum privileges.
Anonymous commenters do not get to pick an icon, but are all shown with the Guy Fawkes mask that appears beside anonymous posts. ......
* :-) An expectation of humanity which may not have been accepted or imagined as a possibility by Albert Einstein who opined ......
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
.... but hope springs eternal and thus one can never know for sure what the future will bring whenever the past and the present have exhausted and suffer the consequences of their moronic circular embrace, extend, and extinguish jerk thing ..... or something unprecedented and totally unexpected and previously unknown delivers the resultant reality and existential threat and/or treat via virtual means and/or memes ..... which one would do well to realise is where you is currently at with regard to your relationship with IT and AI, or its relationship with you as the case may very well be.
Try to either deny or ignore it, and their stealthy overwhelming progress will be further aided and abetted to an extraordinarily inordinate degree guaranteeing failsafe their absolute rule and reign over beings and matter down on Earth ‽ .
I Kid U Not. What now would you like to do, knowing now as you do about all that has already been done?