back to article White House ban on US chip cash going into China ruffles South Koreans

A requirement barring recipients of America's $53 billion CHIPS subsidies from expanding their operations in China for a period of 10 years is proving to be a sticking point for the South Koreans. As reported by SK media, the nation's Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy has expressed concerns over the so-called guardrail …

  1. Strahd Ivarius Silver badge

    Just wondering

    "SK Hynix is in the process of acquiring Intel's NAND manufacturing plant in China's Dalian province."

    Will SK Hynix tell Intel that the value of their plant just dropped to 1 (one) Zimbabwean dollar?

    1. tooltalk

      Re: Just wondering

      I suspect that Intel knew about this potential ban when Intel decided to sell their Xi'an plant to SK.

  2. Tron Silver badge

    Clause 1: Vassal states must behave like vassal states.

    Traditionally, SK and JP used to get a free pass on trade sanctions as they are so dependent upon China and to some extent upon Russia and China-leaning bits of Asia. Japan managed to hang on to some energy projects in Russia recently, but with Cold War 2 on Washington's agenda, they may not get a free pass this time. That will be eye-wateringly expensive for SK and JP and have political implications for both. The US wants to have their cake and eat it - pay for security pacts, pay to host troops, be used as an airbag/human shield/aircraft carrier, and gut your own economy by building a wall between yourselves and China - even more economically damaging then Brexit has been for UK/EU trade. In Europe they are clearing out Chinese tech by leaning on each country in turn. First the UK, now Germany.

    If the US can clone Taiwanese tech on US soil, they will let China have Taiwan and use any takeover as an excuse to build the new Cold War wall. That will make SK and JP entirely dependent on the US for everything they used to get from Taiwan or China. I guess Washington has never forgiven them for making better consumer electronics than Radio Shack and better cars than Detroit.

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