Sounds ghastly.
Ten Japanese companies, including IT services giant Fujitsu and automobile manufacturer Mitsubishi, have embarked on a collaboration to create an advertiser-friendly immersive gaming environment they've grandly named the "Japan Metaverse Economic Zone." "This agreement is based on the concept of 'updating Japan through the …
Now there’s an Earth shaking development come right out of nowhere to surprise and worry more than just a chosen few .... A Japan Metaverse Economic Zone which would appear to be proprietary custom made for Live Operational Virtual Environment Research Scientists?
The West certainly appears to be doggedly determined and hell-bent on continuing to only offer export and exploitation of its standard default disruptive and destructive serial doom and gloom ..... which sorry to say, reflects very badly on the true collective state of information providing them their national and international and internetional general and security and secret intelligence services.
Quite whether that is indicative of a permanent systemic and endemic mental deficiency or a temporary slow learning glitch which can be corrected with suitable treatment is an engaging zillion dollar question, methinks, which is best imagined as the latter rather than realised as the former.