back to article Hey, AI hucksters. Dial down the hype. Lots of love, the FTC

The US Federal Trade Commission has re-upped its admonition to businesses that they should not exaggerate the role or capabilities of artificial intelligence in their products. Artificial intelligence, or AI, explains FTC attorney Michael Atleson in an advisory, can be defined in a variety of ways, but the agency is concerned …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    should not exaggerate the role or capabilities of artificial intelligence

    unless it runs on green energy and the cables are up to 99% recycled human waste.

  2. nautica Silver badge

    "I have found that the reason a lot of people are interested in artificial intelligence is the same reason a lot of people are interested in artificial limbs: they are missing one." ---David Parnas

  3. ecofeco Silver badge


    When even the FTC knows your pants are on fire, that's saying something!

  4. Mostly Irrelevant

    I was listening to the radio this morning and the DJs were discussing Bing Chat like it was actually a strong AI that had just demonstrated sentience and not just a model that smashes together language based on a dataset of training material. They were genuinely worried that this was the end of days and Bing Chat was going to take us all out.

    The sensationalism is out of control, and the media is at least half if not mostly to blame.

  5. Tron Silver badge

    About time.

    AI is the Emperor's New Clothes. It has a very low functionality ceiling, can't contextualise and injects unreliability into systems that are assumed to be reliable.

    It should be called 'machine learning'. as the term 'AI' infers some sort of sentient ability in code.

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