Re: Obvious….
Would you really? Until it’s your favourite independent one of a kind coffee shop where you go in the morning. Put out of business by Starbucks who will, I absolutely promise you, right now be hiring a small army of undercover baristas to see whether any independents within a twenty mile range of each of their shops has dared to use an Android tablet as their barista login. And sue them, of course they will fold immediately.
It’s a recession. Normally in a recession the high street fills with charity shops, but not this time. Did you never ask yourself why? Answers very simple: there’s now so much compliance legislation associated with checking out every individual item of secondhand stuff, charity shops barely break even to fund a donation to a hospital when the goods are given free and it’s staffed by a volunteer. Congratulations, this is the hellscape you voted for.
Have you looked at the list of *who actually gets prosecuted* and run out of business under the GDPR legislation? It’s not the big corporations that you hate so much. It’s the corner shops, the dentists, the local Councils
This “privacy” witch-hunt ends only one way. When compliance with the rivers of everything that requires your attention, needs a compliance department of 5000 people, the only survivors are companies that employ 50,000.
There’s always a bigger fish, willing to pay more to lobby for even more regulation. Did you never think: if all these compliance regulations hurt Amazon so much….why don’t they lobby against it? Every package comes through your door is packaging where they get to print whatever message they like on it. Why aren’t you bombarded by marketing messages from the mega corps about how the EU is taking away your right to pay with one click?
Because they *love it* that’s why. *Love it*.