Re: I'm starting to think this is the wrong approach
There's so much focus on chargers on the road because people are too locked into thinking about the way it works today with gas stations. If everyone had a way to charge their car where it is parked each night, that's where 98% of charging would happen. The overwhelming majority of places that sell gasoline today would not refit with charging stations, they would probably continue as convenience stores - just look at how many people park in front, fuel is far from the only reason people go there.
You forget several things:
1) Not everyone has a garage. In urban areas there are more apartment dwellers than home owners. Is the company that owns the apartments going to supply a charging station at each parking spot?
2) Many of the local filling stations are putting in two and sometimes three charging stations, along with expanding the "deli" area. Stop in, get a drink, a pastry, look at the local hotel/motel coupon books, walk to the Waffle House/Denny's/Burger King/Chik Filet and fill up your own tank while using the charging station.
3) Pump credit card readers are all the rage here in the USA. Slide in your card, fill the tank/charge the battery, bill is sent to your credit card processor (Visa, Master Card, Discover, Shell, BP, whichever). No need for the vehicle to know anything about your finances. No need to register your vehicle with the charging station.
4) Around Chicago and other very urban areas the theft of copper wire is an everyday occurrence. People complain about pulling up to charging stations and all they find is an inch, if that much, of the cable protruding from the unit.
5) Unplugging a vehicle charging and plugging in your own. Check YouTube for the videos. One instance a fellow (in England) was in his front room. He saw a Toyota like his pull into his driveway, the driver get out, unplug his (the owners') vehicle, plug in his, and start to walk away. The owner stopped him and told him to unplug the car, plug his back in, and leave his driveway. The guy then told him to bug off as it would only take a few minutes to charge his car long enough to get home. Ended up the man kept walking away. The owner unplugged the car and plugged his back in, called the local police. He stood for a moment at the charger port, but I don't know if he did anything to it since you couldn't see if he did. Eventually the guy did come back, to an empty parking spot.