back to article APNIC election sparks move for rapid rule changes to prevent council stacking

The imminent elections for executive council members at the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) – the non-profit organization that distributes and manages IP addresses and AS numbers in 56 nations – has sparked calls for a rapid rewrite of the organization's bylaws to ensure no single entity can dominate its …

  1. Down not across

    You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy

    ...than IP registry infiltrated by corporate greed.

    1. Yes Me Silver badge

      Re: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy

      Yes, but so far APNIC has avoided such problems. The proposed rule change seems very wise.

  2. Mayday

    Volunteers and stacked boards

    I have volunteered for various committees, regional councils, and indeed the national governing body’s board for a sport. Don’t think league level football, but more a niche sport which everyone tends to try out a couple of times but not many stick with it be long term or enter sanctioned competitions.

    Each member club gets votes at the AGM based on however many “members” they have, where even people to try once are considered a member even if they try the sport once (people need memberships for governance and insurance purposes, no matter if you participate once for 2000 times a year). Now, one private enterprise purchased a bunch of clubs nationally and began to specialise in these “one off” participants. I expressed a concern that they could use their penetration and participation levels too stack the board and influence governance and even relevant national legislation.

    I suppose my point is that volunteer organisations can start with the best of intentions, but can easily be influenced and taken over by others with the $ who want their way.

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