If Google existed in 1492... Columbus's voyage would never be funded.
The link ranking system is clever.... but has serious issues...
It is like a con artist asking a crowd where the ball is ..... and everyone is convinced it is under cup number one... but really.... it is elsewhere...
Consensus among a large sample is good.. If the people sampled have 'the knowledge' amongst them.
That is not always the case. We are searching for a new solution, or to gauge the efficacy of a new approach. We want to see the outliers that claim that the world is NOT flat, that there are other proper solutions that should be of interest.
Link ranking, consensus... is mob rule of 'truth'. The same 'rules' that cast suspected witches into rivers to see if they float (guilty, to be burned at the stake) or drown (innocent). A loosing proposition for all. We have had institutions attempt to warp reality to their predefined fables, and the labelling and punishments of 'heretics' if they dare speak of anomalies or different truths.
AI 'learning' by the regurgitating of 'facts' it has found is just like the current educational system. A terrible disservice. AI understanding relationships and how things work... is a different story.. Yet that is the concept of AI learning from a curated DB, with its own problems of bias, purposeful or not.
We are just starting with 'AI'. We have a long distance to go. The most frightening thing for me, is the lack of qualified humans that just take answers from a 'system' as 'truth'.
Our educational system needs to 'ignite' people to think, to analyse, and to see discrepancies.
There have been several studies done with 'fixed' calculators and collage students. ( https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0223736 ). The lack of questioning of obviously incorrect results shows the danger of people using technology without thought.
We need a two prong approach. Education... and the ability to show a complete picture in search results.... to help the user FIND what they are looking for.
A long steep road ahead....