Re: Looking through the window
(Note: I'm not the same AC you were replying to above)
> If the UK fails because of Brexit, it'll be because the Remain-duuurs refused to help the UK succeed.
Hate to say "I told you so", but I'd already guessed back in 2016 that "It's all the remainers' fault for sabotaging/not being enthusiastic enough about Brexit! " would be the response when it failed to deliver the promised unicorns and rainbows.
Also, get your terminology right- the accepted term used by mouth-breathing Leave voters against their opponents is "remoaners", not "remain-duuurs".
> How about you (the royal you, not you specifically) quit bellyaching about what's done, accept the new reality, and start building your nation back up?
Yes, because calling people childish names like "Remain-duuurs" (ha ha) is certain to get them listening to you when you lecture them on things like this...!
Then again, considering how you refer to Britain as "you guys" in this post where you criticise "socialized medicine" and imply the US is better, it appears that you're actually an American lecturing another state.
Can't think of anyone more easily dismissed than someone arguing in favour of the US health system which leads to fucked-up insurance situations like this for retirees being an issue in the first place. (Pure coincidence that I saw that story a few minutes before posting this, but shows it's not unusual).
You said there
> socialized medicine is only fine when you're young and healthy. When you're not, well, I guess you'll find out.
Wrong way round. You can afford to risk a fucked-up, atrociously expensive and discriminatory-against-expensive-ill-people health system (a la the US) far more when you're younger and less likely to need it.