Re: Department of
"Stating the bloody obvious, Gas Generation without a fuel supply (storage, or otherwise) makes no sense, and gas storage absolutely is a profitable venture. Centrica thought they could take the piss, and got caught at it. Good. Native gas supplies have mostly been burned up. So the only option is importing."
Nope. Gas storage gains returns in decades, and we have governments hostile to fossil fuel. If it was so profitable and they were just taking the piss then they would have funded it themselves in the end to get the money.
"Coal is dying/dead, and won't be coming back. Get over it."
Is it? Last I checked there are coal plants being built around the world. The last 2 winters have necessitated our mothball coal plants to be brought online and ready to supply our needs. It is so dead that we need it as a backup currently.
"Nuke for baseload remains by far the most stable solution to generation; however, the commercial drivers given the cost of developing nuke are do not stack up. (If they did, then governments would not have to offer backhanders by the ton to get nukes built)."
Good solution. Over-regulated and difficult to get the stupid politicians to agree to. Add greenies who have feared nukes for decades and it would be bold to build.
"Your options available off the shelf today are Gas, Nukes, and Renewables. So what will it be?"
Except renewables dont work so we need to take that off the table (for a reliable source) and that leaves us with what works. Under 'renewables' is biomass which apparently outputs more Co2 than coal. If you subscribe to MMCC Co2 theory then biomass must be removed. That leaves fossil fuel and nukes.
"Free market price-gouging doesn't care, and will tend towards gas and Price gouging."
Yes. And that is what we want. We want them to see a cheap fuel and make profit using it. And competitors see this glorious profit and charge in to grab some. And the competition improves service, increases supply and lowers prices. As it has been, will be and is. The Venezuela option of government running it cocks it all up in short measure.
"Central planning offers the ability to make these decisions in a manner in the interests of consumers rather than in the interests of generators."
So said Stalin. History is not on your side.
"Why be so terrified when an alternative model that offers obvious advantages is right there on the plate."
Its been tried, tested and found dangerously bad. In fact central planning caused the problem we currently have.
"I know I won't convince you or other Mail readers otherwise so my typing is probably wasted."
Poor assumption that I am a Mail reader.