In the third year they attacked
There's something out there that doesn't want to be seen ....
The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) on NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is currently offline, and all science observations using the instrument will have to be rescheduled as engineers try to repair the thing. "On Sunday, January 15, the James Webb Space Telescope's NIRISS experienced a communications …
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"Well, in french, it IS derogatory. "tête d'oeuf" refers to stub-borns/incompetent/etc ..."
Well, nobody gives a shit what it is or isn't in French. Somebody who takes the time to comment in English, on an English article, about an English expression, should also take the time to understand what the expression means. In English.
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She was writing for New Scientist last time I checked and was the main reason I gave up the subscription. I tolerate black racism / anti-white propaganda as little as I do the converse and her 'scientific' musings are littered with anti-white sentiment in a way that if the colours were reversed she'd be cancelled. This article has the tone of someone desperately searching to be outraged.
"Astronomers on social media began to argue that in the absence of this specific quote [there was a homophobic quote misattributed to JW], there was little to prove that Webb was responsible for homophobic policies. But that correction changes nothing."
No Chanda, it does - his character has been falsely besmirched.
And.... in other news, Gandhi used to sleep with his niece. Mother Teresa was a nasty cow. Henry Ford was anti-semitic. John Lennon beat his wife. None of this excuses anything JW did - but scrape the surface of anyone and it tarnishes quickly.
The Reg would be on a hiding to nothing if they tried to make everything SFS[*] across their entire international readership. I often hear words and phrases seemingly in everyday use on US based TV shows and films that just "aren't the done thing" any more here in Blighty. Words if used in a UK TV show might raise complaints. And since the Reg still has a level of irreverence in it's reporting, it's something certain people either have to get used to or choose a different source for their IT news, just as you would any "red top" news paper.
* SFS - Safe For Snowflakes :-))))
"Egghead, in Germany, is a derogatory term, applied to smartass-es which overdo being s smartass. Therefore upvote from me."
As I wrote above, and will repeat here specially just for you: nobody gives a shit what it is or isn't in German. Somebody who takes the time to comment in English, on an English article, about an English expression, should also take the time to understand what the expression means. In English.
And how do you explain that British English, Scot-English Australia-English, US-English (changing there from state to state by the way) say, to a 50% exact, that this is a derogatory term? They are ALL English. But they don't seem to be YOUR English, therefore everyone in the world must be wrong to think that way, 'cause only YOUR English is the only rightful standard definition of English.
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That would be the R3 unit, obviously.
The concept is derived entirely from Dr Zeuss' 'The Cat in the Hat Comes Back', where Little Cats A through Z emerged from the hat of their predecessor.
JWST ls limited to the R9 unit due to the problems encountered in constructing robots smaller than a single atom, but DARPA is rumoured to be developing self-repairing quarks at the size of an R14.
If the issue is software or firmware so can be updated without bricking the instrument any further then hopefully it can be fixed. It it is anything else then it is on a knife edge, there is only so much you can do to reboot something remotely, and this is about as remote as it gets.
Good luck to the team working on this, there is a lot at stake and there will be many people on the edge of their seats.
I think perhaps we IT folks have become so accustomed to working around hardware/software problems in production that we've lost track of alternatives. In the case of satellites they are often built with backup for critical parts of system hardware. My impression is that satellite operations folk tend to think long and hard before activating a backup system. What if it not only doesn't work, but makes things worse? What if it screws up communications? Will they be able to turn it off? But they will turn it on once they are sure they've looked at all the possibilities. That may be what's going on here.
"It'll void the warranty."
The one thing you can be really sure about is that JWST has NO warranty at all...and even if it did, you'd have to arrange to take it back to the shop to make the claim !
And after all, isn't that what insurance helps cover you for?
Plus, back in the day, Barclaycard (in UK) gave away free insurance on items bought that cost more than GBP100...but I wonder if ANYONE has a credit card limit of about $10 billion ??
A very quick Google..
I can see Channel 5 renaming their Eggheads quiz show. The Professor Egghead Science Academy rebranding, and also Bacon & Eggheads, which "brings together Parliamentarians with experts in science and engineering, showcasing outstanding Canadian research accomplishments." changing.
It's going to be a busy period for marketing companies.