back to article James Webb Space Telescope suffers another hitch: Instrument down

The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) on NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is currently offline, and all science observations using the instrument will have to be rescheduled as engineers try to repair the thing. "On Sunday, January 15, the James Webb Space Telescope's NIRISS experienced a communications …

  1. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

    In the third year they attacked

    There's something out there that doesn't want to be seen ....

    1. Potemkine! Silver badge

      Re: In the third year they attacked

      Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: In the third year they attacked


    2. Captain Scarlet

      Re: In the third year they attacked

      Not us Guv, we would blow it up and replace it with a perfect replica

  2. Fursty Ferret

    Just a thought, but maybe try a little harder not to use derogatory terms in future? The people who built the JWST are scientists and engineers, not “eggheads”.

    1. Lord Elpuss Silver badge

      It's not derogatory. Maybe try a little harder not to be so easily offended in future.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "It's not derogatory. Maybe try a little harder not to be so easily offended in future."

        Well, in french, it IS derogatory. "tête d'oeuf" refers to stub-borns/incompetent/etc ... civil servants.

        Maybe why he believed it to be so in english ...

        1. A. Coatsworth Silver badge
          Thumb Down

          Odd, I'd swear I DIDN'T read this piece in French

        2. Lord Elpuss Silver badge

          "Well, in french, it IS derogatory. "tête d'oeuf" refers to stub-borns/incompetent/etc ..."

          Well, nobody gives a shit what it is or isn't in French. Somebody who takes the time to comment in English, on an English article, about an English expression, should also take the time to understand what the expression means. In English.

          1. TheBadja

            In Australian, it is not offensive, but definitely negative connotations of less than professional, slightly amateur. Like “academic” means without real life implications, moot.

      2. TheRealRoland

        Akshually - the AP thought it would have been derogatory -- The French, The Eggheads...

        Oh, the Horrors!

    2. Ball boy Silver badge

      You must be new: 'eggheads' is a term of respect around here.

      Oh, we hold boffins in equally high regard - just in case you decide to have a go at that term of endearment any time soon.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

        ...and those of us of a certain age may also recall the Tefal Heads, from the TV adverts for products from that particular manufacturer

    3. andy gibson

      The only thing derogatory was Webb himself, at least according to Scientific American:

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        According to Chanda Prescod-Weinstein you mean...

        She was writing for New Scientist last time I checked and was the main reason I gave up the subscription. I tolerate black racism / anti-white propaganda as little as I do the converse and her 'scientific' musings are littered with anti-white sentiment in a way that if the colours were reversed she'd be cancelled. This article has the tone of someone desperately searching to be outraged.

        "Astronomers on social media began to argue that in the absence of this specific quote [there was a homophobic quote misattributed to JW], there was little to prove that Webb was responsible for homophobic policies. But that correction changes nothing."

        No Chanda, it does - his character has been falsely besmirched.

        And.... in other news, Gandhi used to sleep with his niece. Mother Teresa was a nasty cow. Henry Ford was anti-semitic. John Lennon beat his wife. None of this excuses anything JW did - but scrape the surface of anyone and it tarnishes quickly.

    4. Jou (Mxyzptlk) Silver badge

      Egghead, in Germany, is a derogatory term, applied to smartass-es which overdo being s smartass. Therefore upvote from me.

      Since TheReg ist now "international", especially "US-International"....

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        The Reg would be on a hiding to nothing if they tried to make everything SFS[*] across their entire international readership. I often hear words and phrases seemingly in everyday use on US based TV shows and films that just "aren't the done thing" any more here in Blighty. Words if used in a UK TV show might raise complaints. And since the Reg still has a level of irreverence in it's reporting, it's something certain people either have to get used to or choose a different source for their IT news, just as you would any "red top" news paper.

        * SFS - Safe For Snowflakes :-))))

        1. RobThBay

          SFS... love it!

      2. Lord Elpuss Silver badge

        "Egghead, in Germany, is a derogatory term, applied to smartass-es which overdo being s smartass. Therefore upvote from me."

        As I wrote above, and will repeat here specially just for you: nobody gives a shit what it is or isn't in German. Somebody who takes the time to comment in English, on an English article, about an English expression, should also take the time to understand what the expression means. In English.

        1. Jou (Mxyzptlk) Silver badge

          And how do you explain that British English, Scot-English Australia-English, US-English (changing there from state to state by the way) say, to a 50% exact, that this is a derogatory term? They are ALL English. But they don't seem to be YOUR English, therefore everyone in the world must be wrong to think that way, 'cause only YOUR English is the only rightful standard definition of English.

          1. Lord Elpuss Silver badge

            It's not derogatory in any of those dialects of the English language. Not one. None of them. Anywhere.

            Don't like it or don't believe it? Prove me wrong.

            1. This post has been deleted by its author

              1. Lord Elpuss Silver badge

                Is it wrong I heard that last bit in Admiral Ackbar's voice ;)

                1. This post has been deleted by its author

  3. Fenton

    R2 Unit

    They should have sent up an R2 unit with Webb for all those little fixes, especially if mechanical in nature.

    1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

      Re: R2 Unit

      What fixes the R2 unit?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: R2 Unit

        What fixes the R2 unit?

        Great R2 units have little R2 units upon their backs to right 'em. And little R2 units have lesser R2 units and so ad infinitum.


      2. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

        Re: R2 Unit

        It's R2 units all the way down

        1. ChrisC Silver badge

          Re: R2 Unit

          At least until you get to the Great Arr'Two-in...

          1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

            Re: R2 Unit

            He needs a LOGO and a website :-)

        2. teneriffe trail

          Re: R2 Unit

          My God! It's full of Rs!

      3. Nik 2

        Re: R2 Unit

        That would be the R3 unit, obviously.

        The concept is derived entirely from Dr Zeuss' 'The Cat in the Hat Comes Back', where Little Cats A through Z emerged from the hat of their predecessor.

        JWST ls limited to the R9 unit due to the problems encountered in constructing robots smaller than a single atom, but DARPA is rumoured to be developing self-repairing quarks at the size of an R14.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: R2 Unit

      What they should have included were Huey, Dewey, and Louie.

      ("Slient Running" drones)

      1. Lord Elpuss Silver badge

        Re: R2 Unit

        "What they should have included were Huey, Dewey, and Louie.

        ("Slient Running" drones)"

        Hits right in the feels.....

  4. hoola Silver badge

    Software or Hardware

    If the issue is software or firmware so can be updated without bricking the instrument any further then hopefully it can be fixed. It it is anything else then it is on a knife edge, there is only so much you can do to reboot something remotely, and this is about as remote as it gets.

    Good luck to the team working on this, there is a lot at stake and there will be many people on the edge of their seats.

    1. arachnoid2

      Re: Software or Hardware

      What happened to all the remote service engineers, I think theres a good oppertunity for private indusrty to step in.

      1. Ivan Headache

        Re: Software or Hardware

        They obviously forgot to take out a service contract with Homeserve.

    2. vtcodger Silver badge

      Re: Software or Hardware

      I think perhaps we IT folks have become so accustomed to working around hardware/software problems in production that we've lost track of alternatives. In the case of satellites they are often built with backup for critical parts of system hardware. My impression is that satellite operations folk tend to think long and hard before activating a backup system. What if it not only doesn't work, but makes things worse? What if it screws up communications? Will they be able to turn it off? But they will turn it on once they are sure they've looked at all the possibilities. That may be what's going on here.

  5. Wilco

    3 Finger Salute

    Have they tried turning it off and on again? It actually sounds like the sort of problem that could be fixed in the time-honoured way.

  6. Ian Johnston Silver badge

    Why can't they go and fix it? It's only a million miles away?

    Or is there a notice on it saying "Caution. No user serviceable parts inside."

    1. IHateWearingATie

      I think L2 is 4 times further away than we've ever managed to send humans from earth and bring them back alive. Volunteers for a one way trip to fix something anyone?

      1. Down not across

        You might be suprised how many would volunteer for that trip.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward


          We have a veritable genius who owns a rocket company and knows more about manufacturing than any man alive, and a proven history of wanting to assist rescue missions. Surely he would jump at the chance!

          1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

            Re: Well...

            Jeff Tracy?

          2. bigphil9009

            Re: Well...

            You got me there!! Well played :-)

    2. Dizzy Dwarf

      I think have have some tamper-evident tape. It'll void the warranty.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "It'll void the warranty."

        The one thing you can be really sure about is that JWST has NO warranty at all...and even if it did, you'd have to arrange to take it back to the shop to make the claim !

        And after all, isn't that what insurance helps cover you for?

        Plus, back in the day, Barclaycard (in UK) gave away free insurance on items bought that cost more than GBP100...but I wonder if ANYONE has a credit card limit of about $10 billion ??

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          "but I wonder if ANYONE has a credit card limit of about $10 billion ??"

          Elon Musk? Although I think he may have already maxxed his out at $13B :-)

  7. heyrick Silver badge

    The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph

    Sitting in the staff break room speed reading the news. Misread the penultimate word. Oops. :)

  8. Datkpenguin


    'The eggheads'? Have some fucking respect.

    1. Excellentsword (Written by Reg staff)

      Re: Eggheads

      It is a term of respect.

      1. Jou (Mxyzptlk) Silver badge

        Re: Eggheads

        > It is a term of respect.

        State which country you are talking about. Might want to move there.

      2. genghis_uk

        Re: Eggheads

        Have we got an influx of noobs that don't know regspeak or have gen-z finally entered the workplace insisting that we all change to suit them?

        Maybe we need trigger warnings on articles now <looks down, shaking head slowly>

  9. Hedley Phillips


    A very quick Google..

    I can see Channel 5 renaming their Eggheads quiz show. The Professor Egghead Science Academy rebranding, and also Bacon & Eggheads, which "brings together Parliamentarians with experts in science and engineering, showcasing outstanding Canadian research accomplishments." changing.

    It's going to be a busy period for marketing companies.

    1. Jou (Mxyzptlk) Silver badge

      But we also have Eggheads & Eggheads, Bread & Eggheads, Eggs & Eggheads, and Eggheads & Eggs & Eggheads, but you can have Eggheads with Bacon & Eggheads and Bread & Eggheads on Eggheads with Eggs "Eggheads, wonderful Eggheads, Eggheads lovely Eggheads...." oh shudduup!

  10. Bob Dunlop
    Thumb Up

    Working again

    Decided it was a Cosmic Ray hitting an FPGA. How they worked that out I don't know.

    Turned it off and on again. Hey presto!

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