back to article Go to security school, GoTo – theft of encryption keys shows you need it

Remote access outfit GoTo has admitted that a threat actor exfiltrated an encryption key that allowed access to "a portion" of encrypted backup files. A third-party cloud storage service GoTo uses for its own products and affiliate biz LastPass was attacked in August 2022. GoTo and LastPass revealed the incident in separate …

  1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

    Somebody else's computer

    ... and now some more somebodies computers - well at least the removes the risk of a single point of failure.

    1. Roland6 Silver badge

      Re: Somebody else's computer

      Well it was always going to be turtles all the way down...

      1. NoneSuch Silver badge

        Re: Somebody else's computer

        Something happened, we think.

        We're looking into it, sorta.

        We have a plan, maybe.

        Talk again in two months for another update.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Somebody else's computer

      Sod all this, I’m going back to old school paper and pen.

      I’m going to buy a carrier pigeon too…just hope I don’t get tempted to stick it in a pie before it begins to earn its keep.

      1. thondwe

        Re: Somebody else's computer

        Might want to re-think the Pigeon - Bird Flu!!

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Persistent keys are the problem.....

    SInce 1976, Alice and Bob have been able to use encryption WITH NO PERSISTENT KEYS, indeed with no transmitted keys and no public keys at all.

    In the scheme they use (Diffie/Hellman) a secret key is calculated (briefly) at encryption time and is calculated (briefly) at decryption time, and in both cases the key is immediately destroyed.

    (See refs below)

    Maybe someone here can tell us why this scheme, or some similar scheme, cannot rid us of persistent keys......and rid us of the problem of key theft at the same time.

    Ref: Applied Cryptography, Bruce Schneier --- Section 22.1

    Ref: Cryptography Engineering, Ferguson/Schneier/Kohno -- Chapter 11

    1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

      Because cryptography is hard ?

      They coded and salted the hases, which is more than many do today. Not trying to find excuses, but they did better than most already.

      You can always do more, especially where security is concerned. Maybe this "no persistent key" approach would break something else, or make everything more difficult ?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "Better" than most?

        By what metric?

        Better than their last 5 security face plants? Better than nothing?

        We don't use their password manager thank god, but we did use their remote access tools at various points. When these breeches started to come up on people's radar in the security community, we straight up asked them(via our reps) if we were impacted, and to what degree. They straight up lied to us, on multiple occasions, and continued to do so for more than 6 months after the PUBLIC disclosure. They in fact knew for some time before that.

        Their current competitors used a stronger architecture, had less critical bugs, less breeches with data loss, in the case of a breech came forward faster to alert their customers, and didn't serially cover up and lie about the breech, it's extent, and the community of impacted users. It is clear that this company has a pattern and practice of denying a known breech until it has been publicly proven and their cover is blown. Utter and nearly complete failure isn't better than most. I also don't trust the story they are telling today won't change next week.

        This makes them possibly the least trustworthy actor in their market space right now. At this point I trust their management about as much as I trust Suckerberg testifying to congress.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "Better" than most?

          “ had less critical bugs, less breeches with data loss”

          Had FEWER critical bugs, FEWER breeches with data loss.

          You’re welcome.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: "Better" than most?

            this person is talking pants

          2. js6898

            Re: "Better" than most?

            Security 'breaches'

            You're welcome.

            1. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

              Re: "Better" than most?

              "You're welcome." == missed opportunity.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

      "Maybe someone here can tell us why"

      The force is strong with this one. You are determined to make it difficult for the TLA agencies aren't you.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

        > TLA agencies

        Three-letter agency agencies?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

          “ TLA agencies

          Three-letter agency agencies?”

          No, Totalitarian ‘Liberal’ Agencies.

    3. RichardBarrell

      Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

      DH is an online protocol. Both parties send messages back and forth in order to agree on a shared temporary secret.

      When you encrypt backups, you are sending an encrypted message to your future self. There is no way for future-you to send messages back to current-you, so the communication only goes one way and you can't implement protocols like DH.

      1. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

        Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

        Could be done with a call to sleep() and a sufficiently big argument.

        1. Claptrap314 Silver badge

          Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

          I have a big argument in response to that, but unfortunately, I can only give it AFTER give yours.

      2. Michael Strorm Silver badge

        Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

        > There is no way for future-you to send messages back to current-you

        I just got a message from future-you. He told me to pass on a message to you. He says:-

        "Tell me to ignore what I said there, we figured out a way to sent a message to our past selves. Also, remember to invest in chicken giblet futures and whatever you do, don't let the alpaca near the alphabetti spaghetti on Valentine's Day 2023."

        No idea what that last bit was about.

        1. David 132 Silver badge

          Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

          <Rimmer> ALPHABETTI SPAGHETTI??? </Rimmer>

        2. RichardBarrell

          Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

          I don't have an alpaca yet so I'm very invested in finding out.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            "An" alpaca, not YOUR alpaca

            The policy is very clear about implying ownership in then even that an alpaca is found.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: "An" alpaca, not YOUR alpaca

              He will only own that Alpaca until 2030 because after that everyone will “own nothing and be happy”, allegedly.

        3. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

          Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

          "we figured out a way to sent a message to our past selves"

          Yeah, yeah, but what about the **encryption keys**? Future me must be getting senile....

      3. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge

        Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

        "There is no way for future-you to send messages back to current-you"

        From what little I understand about quantum encryption, that possibility cannot entirely be ruled out. The quote I recall reading regarding quantum experimentation is that experimenters have come to accept the possibility that current experiments may affect past results.

    4. MJB7

      Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

      Firstly, you keep claiming that Alice and Bob can communicate securely "with no transmitted keys and no public keys at all." but you refer to Diffie Hellman.

      In the Diffie-Hellman protocol:

      - Alice generates a secret key a, and a public key A = e**a

      - Bob generate corresponding b and B.

      - Alice TRANSMITS her PUBLIC KEY (A) to Bob

      - Bob TRANSMITS his PUBLIC KEY (B) to Alice

      - Alice computers B**a == (e**b)**a == e**ab;

      - Bob computes A**b and they have a shared secret e**ab which they can use to encrypt data.

      (Beware: the above is a gross simplification. Do not use this to implement DH.)

      Secondly, you have also missed the point that this is _storage_ encryption. Communication (data in transit) can use ephemeral keys, but data-at-rest must be encrypted by keys that persist until the data is no longer required.

      And I haven't even _started_ on the issue that DH is completely unauthenticated, so Alice has no way of knowing she is communicating with Bob and not Eve.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Go to security school.....or maybe just read a reference book or three.....


        You are mistaking the TOKENS which Alice and Bob exchange (in public)......

        ........with the secret key which Alice and Bob CALCULATE as needed......and which is not persistent.....

        The TOKENS tell the listening public absolutely nothing about a) the secret (calculated) key or about b) the encryption algorithm.

        1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

          Re: Go to security school.....or maybe just read a reference book or three.....

          The question in the original post was: "Maybe someone here can tell us why this scheme, or some similar scheme, cannot rid us of persistent keys".

          The answer, clearly, is "yes". Unfortunately it was the wrong question. You should have asked whether, if someone told us, you would be capable of understanding the answer.

      2. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

        Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

        "Beware: the above is a gross simplification. Do not use this to implement DH."

        Is it okay if I use ChatGPT?

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

      Because it is data at rest, or are you proposing somehow to continuously re-encrypt data at rest?

      If the data is static (at rest) the key is static, you could move it, if you liked to something like a diffie/hellman approach, but all you are doing is changing how the attacker gets the key. If they were able to get the key before, they would be able to get the public/private key values (diffie/hellman is a public private key implementation) that were used to derive the encryption key for the data.

      Diffie/Hellman only helps establish an encryption key between 2 parties, the 2 parties here is the data at rest and the system wanting to decrypt it. Both of which the attacker in this case compromised (being the same place).

      Diffie/Hellman also has no way to ensure that the public keys shared are infact from who you think they are from (man in the middle), that needs a 3rd party (signing, like a CA) or a shared secret. So, persistent keys yet again, one implementation is STS.

    6. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

      Re: Persistent keys are the problem.....

      "Maybe someone here can tell us why this scheme, or some similar scheme, cannot rid us of persistent keys"


  3. Zippy´s Sausage Factory


    Why is it always LastPass?

    "Password manager breached" - oh, it's LastPass again. Never anyone else.

    I mean... are they the only ones being honest? Or the only ones being hacked?

    1. logicalextreme

      Re: LastPass

      Not a fan of LastPass, found it horrible to use, and I'm not suggesting for a second that they're any good (especially given the fact they didn't come clean about this stuff for a while) but at least there are no empty platitudes about "taking security seriously" in the article for once.

    2. Roland6 Silver badge

      Re: LastPass

      Probably because a chink was found in LastPass first, so the hackers simply homed in and chewed...

      Suspect all the others are currently breathing a sigh of relief it wasn't them and keeping a low profile - noticed how no one seems to have jumped in and attempted to attract dissatisfied LastPass users, so suspect the majors are quietly reviewing their security and logs going back as far back in time as their records permit. ie. I suspect none of them can put a hand on the heart and say they haven't been hacked.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: LastPass

        “ keeping a low profile - noticed how no one seems to have jumped in and attempted to attract dissatisfied LastPass users”

        Monday 16 January in El Reg:

        “ For password protection, dump LastPass for open source Bitwarden”

        1. Erik Beall

          Re: LastPass

          That's solidly true, definitely a big up from the reg to bitwarden. On the other hand, not bad advice.

        2. Roland6 Silver badge

          Re: LastPass

          That is ElReg (other reputable publications are doing similar) recommending a product, it isn’t Bitwarden saying they are better than Lastpass.

          I suggest given the latest disclosures about GoTo’s cloud storage and archives, I suggest any review of security products such as Bitwarden now need to include a full security audit of the service and their development and operational practises.

          1. DoctorPaul Bronze badge

            Re: LastPass

            Which is why I spent time last week installing vaultwarden on a spare Pi.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: LastPass

        I think you meant exploit....

        1. Roland6 Silver badge

          Re: LastPass

          You find the weak spot aka chink in the armour, you then workout how to exploit it.

          What is clear here is (from the GoTo disclosure on top of the LastPass disclosure) that LastPass, like many, did not have ‘walls’/clear separation between Dev and Production environments, hence why hackers found security details for the production environment in their haul from a compromised dev account.

          Suspect we need something like NAMAS accreditation for vendors of security products and services, which covers such basic operational security matters.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Neither honest nor the only ones.

      Both in the remote access space and in the password managers space. 1pass and several of the other commercial and especially cloud password managers have been hit.

      They were more up front about it though. LastPass has been right up there with WiFi security protocols for moving from one flawed security framework to another. Other than ROT13 I can't think of a mistake they HAVEN'T made. At least with most of the other password managers the clients whole vault was encrypted with a passphrase the cloud was supposed to never see.

      But they have been less than honest dealing with the public, the their customers, and apparently their shareholders about this stuff. So in a few years we can expect a string of articles on the lawsuits, fines, etc.

      1. Erix

        Re: Neither honest nor the only ones.

        And they fixed that last mistake by running all data through ROT-13 once more, just to be sure.

  4. Michael Strorm Silver badge

    "GoTo Considered Harmful" then?

    (The post is required, and must contain letters.)

    1. logicalextreme

      Re: "GoTo Considered Harmful" then?

      Go Directly To Considered Harmful

      Do Not Pass Go

      Do Not Collect £200

  5. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

    Enhanced Security

    "...enhanced Identity Management Platform, which will provide additional security with more robust authentication and login-based security options,"

    They no longer use ROT13. They switched to the new, enhanced-security, ROT14 method.

  6. razorfishsl

    The other company to watch is those arrogant clowns over at 1password....

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I wish I could totally disagree with that

      but fair is fair.

      They used to be a lot stronger, both as a product and as a company. Over the years the marketroids won and forced the implementation many of the same risky cloud features that they avoided in their earlier years. The gift to their customers was a string of hacks, leaks, and CVE's.

      Even for all that at least they keep the whole vault under a client controlled master password, but I've never trusted the web based cloud access or logins as a result. They also tried to hoover up passwords from local vaults into the cloud on a couple of the client versions. It isn't cheap, but it supports shared vaults, and is cross platform, so I can't say write it off entirely, but I'd suggest one of the open source password vaults if you don't need all of those features.

      Not as pretty, but much less likely to screw you over either.

      We need to burn the whole space to the ground and go to something like passkeys. Passwords suck, and have for some time. There is no "fixing" them, or the innumerable ways developers will find to screw them up. (I just ran across a site that kept kicking passwords back due to a complexity requirement for a "special character" that also excluded many normal characters like - or _ without prompting what the "valid" ones were.)

      1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

        Re: I wish I could totally disagree with that

        Yes, passwords suck.

        Passphrases suck a bit less, but they still stuck.

        Biometrics suck. MFA schemes using smartphones – fragile, loss-prone, theft-prone, attack-surface-laden smartphones – suck, really hard.

        Passkeys are more resistant to exposure and brute force, but they're lousy for multiple-device use, and bad for many shared-account use cases, particularly for things like emergency recovery when the primary user is not available (e.g. due to death). My wife and I have a whole bunch of shared accounts because our finances and possessions are commingled, and managing credentials for those is a real problem. Passkeys do not help with that.

        The fact is that all authenticators suck. While many in the IT security field (the editors of SANS NewsBites, for example, have been bigging up passkeys and smartphone-based MFA for years) are so sick of passwords that they'd take anything else, the fact is they're exchanging one set of weaknesses and failure modes for another. That doesn't mean one of those tradeoffs isn't an improvement – but there's no silver bullet, and there will be problems with any authn scheme. Authentication is a hard problem and we have not solved it.

  7. Potemkine! Silver badge
    Thumb Down

    I hate the picture chosen to illustrate the article. Shaming children like this is an unbearable psychological violence

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