Re: Brits have never been afraid to strike? Really?
I did find that amusing too.
But it's a long story that you have never managed to "hold but the wrong way".
You represent the last (I hope) class society in Europe, and so damned stupidly divided into a two party country with a one party government.
A system you find only in countries like North Korea, China and some similar.
I was going to add the USA but, as odd as it is, that "other house" can actually have some power witch is not the case in Britain. (even if that power is mostly used just for obstruction)
In a two party system trade unions are seen as enemies, by default, as in a two party system there can be nothing but either right or left.
And there you go, around and around and never anywhere.
In the more intelligent world, trade unions are integrated into the system in what is often called a tripartite arrangement.
Tripartite agreements are an important component in practical labor law, since they cover not only wages, but also issues such as policies on benefits, vacation, work hours and worker safety.
Your problem is rather that the trade unions are not supported as they should, and they strike only when they are really totally pissed off by government policy.
A good trade union, in a decent society, is more like a nagging wife, or husband, having important things to say every now and then, than one that explodes once in ten years or so only.
Strikers will always be called militant if they don't shut up, while in fact it's always the government that acts in a militant way.
And the rhetoric will always be the same, the poor kid who cannot go to school and similar.
This came to my mind as I remeber a strike as a kid and how we loved that it took almost half the day to walk to school.
From the view of a Nordic, Britain is like a closed circus, a zoo, and all that happens and how, we know in advance, as we have seen it before.
And then there is that class society language we don't have that strongly anywhere else, where guys like Boris and Mogg will be considered more relivable experienced and intelligent than for instance a guy like Mike Lynch.
Eventually you will have to choose and take facts and the reality more seriously.