back to article Sorry seems to be tech execs' favorite word as DB player Aiven lays off 1 in 5

The boss of European database-as-a-service upstart Aiven is the latest tech exec to apologize to his workforce for making one in five redundant after recruiting too ambitiously in the past 12 months. The Finnish open source DBaaS player inhaled $210 million of funding in May 2022, which valued the business at more than $3 …

  1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

    Values at x Billion?

    Now possibly worth less than a discarded chip wrapper on a rainy night?

    Those fantastical valuations of companies that have yet to establish a presence in the industry are fine for Vulture Capitalists to boast about but for us? Invest in these and risk losing your shirt as opposed to the VC's who always walk away smelling of roses.

  2. train_wreck

    Kind of impressed at the “keep your work device”. I’m in the US and was laid off along with the rest of my team in November. My WFH had accidentally sent me 2 new flash drives at the start, and I forgot to send them back the extra one after layoffs. A few weeks ago I got a form letter from their legal department threatening legal action if it wasn’t returned. Rich, that.

    1. Captain Scarlet

      Flash drives, they would have kittens here if you even mentioned the word!

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