A seal?
Sounds a bit random for a space mission.
How about a Skipper the Eye-child robot instead?
We must have all heard about "emotional support animals" by now – pets that provide comfort to people with psychiatric disabilities. They're also used as an excuse to try to take peacocks and more recently boa constrictors on airplanes. These chancers should take a leaf from the book of The Mars Society, a nonprofit that …
Nah, I'd lean the other way - a high stress environment for the crew and send them with Thermostellar Bomb #20. That way they have something to talk to but that sense of danger to really give the crew something to worry over but control.
Nuke because... Well, it's what it was designed to do.
I'm sorry, did someone seriously claim a boa constrictor as a working 'support animal' on an AEROPLANE?*
Now, I realise that some people actually like snakes, but taking an animal on a plane that can actually eat one or more of the actual passengers** or at least a child is surely going much too far. What if your 'comfort animal' is someone else's phobia? What next, will 'Sir' Gavin Williamson be flying with his comfort tarantula?***
<Shivers in fear>
I shall have nightmares.
* https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0417148/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/snake-tampa-international-airport-tsa-emotional-support-animal/
** https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/26/python-swallows-woman-at-plantation-in-indonesia
*** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGogYvwuyPU
I remember reading an article about the selection process for qualifying to serve on a US navy nuclear ballistic missile sub. The navy wants people who are inherently stable, and able to cope with being cooped up in a dangerous environment for long periods of time.
An anecdote from the article was that early on in the application process, you'll go to a one-on-one meeting with a selection officer. If you initiate a handshake at the meeting, you auto-fail.
The original Paro came in production in 2004. The Simpsons episode you're thinking off was aired in 2011 (S23E04 Replaceable You)