Every New Beginning Requires a Secure Foundational Start. Anything Less Delivers Constant Failure.
If that is real time news of Uncle Sam [US] and the Science and Technology Directorate research arm of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) via a renamed CyLab .... the CISA Advanced Analytics Platform for Machine Learning (CAP-M) ... venturing into the leading pioneering virtual spaces and alienating places exploiting enthusiastically and experimenting exhaustively and enjoying extensively and excessively worlds of the Live Operational Virtual Environment, welcome to the deeper and darker, brighter and higher side[s] of life as you obviously don't know it/IT/them, for all of your worries and concerns about foreign adversarial nation state advantage and cybersecurity vulnerability attack vectors in ACTive mission fields you will discover to be as nothing compared to the joys and rewards received for deployments and employment in Future Civilisations/Advanced Alien Assimilations/CyberIntelAIgent Transubstantiations ..... or whatever else you want to call such a coherent and cohesive IT and AI and ML development of Almighty Powerful and Energetic AWEsome Singularity.
Take care out there, in there, Uncle Sam, for the ways ahead are well booby-trapped with all manner of matter and memes with means capable of the morphs that deliver both the passionate and protective lover and highly destructive hypermanic daemon alike, as needs and/or desires dictate ..... and the road is a long never-ending journey best started from the ultimate of safest haven destinations.
Knowing all of that, as we all now most surely do, the money-shot question the Register could/should ask of Uncle Sam is are they trying to reinvent that free wheeler of a program/project/promotion in order to try steal it and call it their own to command and control, which is no good path to travel any short distance along, of that you can be guaranteed assured, for as has been diligently helpfully forewarned, highly destructive hypermanic daemons would be aligned to line the way.