back to article John Deere signs right to repair agreement with US ag lobbyists

In what looks like a victory for farmers in the United States, the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) has struck a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with equipment vendor John Deere regarding the repairability of its machines. As farming has become more technology-driven, Deere has increasingly injected software into its …

  1. Locky

    Add your own Paris icon here ->

    Just a quick FYI for any Members of Parliament reading this;

    This is not porn. I know there can be some confusion over the two for you

    1. bypopulardemand
      Paris Hilton

      Re: Add your own Paris icon here ->

      Paris on your mind?

      1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge
        Thumb Up

        Re: Add your own Paris icon here ->

        Nicely done!


        Bloody ‘ell! That’s what I call thinking! Here Vroomfondel, why do we never think of things like that?


        Dunno. Think our minds must be too highly trained Majikthise.

  2. Potemkine! Silver badge

    Who is the liar?


    This agreement reaffirms the longstanding commitment Deere has made to ensure our customers have the diagnostic tools and information they need


    It addresses a long-running issue for farmers and ranchers when it comes to accessing tools, information and resources

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Who is the liar?

      The top one reads like marketing BS which translates as "We really, really don't like it but now we're forced because we'll otherwise face legislation we're going to pretend that it's our idea. Which is very much isn't, but it's the lie we'll stick to."

      Tye bottom one reads like the actual reality.

    2. Christopher Reeve's Horse

      Re: Who is the liar?

      The key words are at the end of the Heads line - "they need". What Deere think that the customers need is entirely at the vagary of their whims.

    3. chivo243 Silver badge

      Re: Who is the liar?

      I don't believe it. It might look good on the surface, but as any farmer knows, look under the surface and you'll find your problem. Waiting to hear what a relative has to say about this... should be an interesting and cuss filled story.

    4. jake Silver badge

      Re: Who is the liar?

      John Deere is the liar.

  3. FF22


    This is obviously just an attempt to preempt or avoid the right to repair getting legalized by the force of law. Because if that happens, everything is lost for companies like John Deere. However, until it happens,

    1. they can dictate the terms they want and strongarm consumers into accepting their terms,

    2. even if they will break their own terms, if will be not breach of (consumer protection) law just breach of contract, which, again, means that consumers will have to sue JD themselves and pay their own lawyers, make it pretty hard to win against JD.

  4. DJO Silver badge

    That's nice

    ..."John Deere supports a customer's right to safely maintain, diagnose, and repair their own equipment. To facilitate this, Deere provides the tools, parts...

    And if you think (something like) $250 is a bit much for a bolt and $1,500 is excessive for a windscreen washer bottle removal tool then you don't deserve to fix it yourself.

    It's easy for them to "provide" parts and tools but it's equally easy to make it impossible to economically use them. Not saying they will employ such tactics but I would not be all that surprised if they did.

    1. seven of five Silver badge

      Re: That's nice

      unlessssss ... you have one of these nice, five years a time, automatically extending service contracts which cover 80% of the parts - but none of the labor- for only $$$$. upfront, of course.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Joys of closed systems

    I have heard stories from neighbouring farmers of being able to install or adjust something but then needing a Deere tech to come out and reboot the combine's system. (We have an older pre-s/w MF. #6-)

  6. Brian 3

    Here's an idea:

    Make a trade marking for products that were produced without any John Deere products involved! A sort of certification like "Organic".

    "DEERE FREE" ?

  7. jake Silver badge

    "per subscription or sale,"

    Fuck right the fuck off, John Deere. Your so-called "deal" stinks worse than a buzzard full of week old dead skunk sitting on a manure spreader in the noon-day sun.

    (signed) An American Farmer/Rancher

    1. DishonestQuill

      Re: "per subscription or sale,"

      Well, thank you for that vivid image. You have just brought back the memory of a summer spent clearing up roadkill

      1. sanmigueelbeer

        Re: "per subscription or sale,"

        Were you in an orange "jumpsuit"?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "per subscription or sale,"

      @jake, cannot upvote you enough. It is why there is a huge market for old ag machinery, because it is repairable almost ad infinitum. You might be able to plant and harvest faster with the bigger, newer machines, but only if no repairs are needed. The new machines stop dead in their tracks until a dealer tech can come out. With an old combine, it may be feasible to temporarily rig a baling wire and chewing gum level fix to get at least that day's work finished. And, a farmer can see when a mechanical system is wearing out, and do some preventative work in the off season.

  8. alain williams Silver badge

    The small print

    Has anyone read it properly yet ?

    1. chivo243 Silver badge

      Re: The small print

      The better question is "Can anyone read it properly? As I'm sure it's written poorly even by legal standards...

  9. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

    Corporate Back-Room Deals

    So this entity -- the American Farm Bureau Federation -- claims to represent the best interests of farmers, but it's an insurance company with lobbyists. I suspect a back-room deal, but have no proof.

    (from Google search, no link to the page was given by Google) "The American Farm Bureau Federation, also known as Farm Bureau Insurance and Farm Bureau Inc. but more commonly just the Farm Bureau, is a United States-based insurance company and lobbying group that represents the American agriculture industry."

    President: Vincent Duvall ; Founded: March 1920 ; Headquarters: Washington, D.C. ; Founder: John Barron ; Subsidiaries: Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation, IDEAg Group, LLC, and American Farm Bureau, Inc.

  10. Michael Hoffmann Silver badge

    US Only?

    Or can I expect that in Australia we also gain that right?

    What I expect is that our prices go up even more to "compensate" poor JD that inexcusable loss of revenue.

    (on his 3rd and last JD product, never again)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: US Only?

      "Or can I expect that in Australia we also gain that right?"

      I hardly think AU (or my country, France) will ever have the balls to do what looks like only Uncle Sam will ever do: punch a major agricultural vendor so hard they'd come up "naturally", "by themselves" with such initiative !

      Because this is what happened, as has already been remarked.

      Time will tell if they try to lock this up with specific parts requiring specific tools.

      Nevertheless, really good news for US farmers. Let's see who else will be inspired :)

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What about the right to repair stolen John Deere gear?

    Asking for some recent Chechen visitors to Ukraine with some large green souvenirs.

  12. G2

    New York-style repair?

    i think they will probably do the whole New York-style right-to-repair all over again... as in they will only provide assemblies of parts and not component-level parts for repair.

    cue John Deere repair dealer technician, in a booming voice:

    your tractor is broken?

    you sir are lucky, we can sell you one off-the-shelf assembly of parts especially for that tractor.

    yes, you heard that right, one assembly - it just needs the wheels - you just repair the old tractor by transferring the wheels from the old one to the new assembly.


  13. the Kris

    Louis Rossmann - John Deere memo

    I found this an interesting commentary on the agreement:

    John Deere memo: Farmers have NOT won, but that won't stop the news from pretending they did.

    1. Auntie Dix

      Re: Louis Rossmann - John Deere memo

      Excellent video.

      Additional background info:

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