Re: There's only 1 Mercedes Benz...
First off, I have no feelings one way or the other towards either company here. I'm sure they both have their good points, and their greedy corporate bloodsucking bad points.
However, I seem to recall reading in a previous Reg article that Nuvia's original contract very specifically mentioned that their Arm license did not transfer in the case of an ownership change. I have no idea if that was Nuvia-specific, or how Arm generally worded all their license contracts. If that's what the contract that Nuvia agreed to says, then either Qualcomm really eff'd up by not doing their due diligence, or they just said eff-it and went full speed ahead thinking they'd just deal with any fallout later. As a former co-worker used to say, better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Except Arm said hang on a minute, and decided to play hardball. Qualcomm trying to paint Arm as the bad guys seems to me to be nothing more than them standing around saying 'move along, nothing to see here' while a raging house fire burns behind them.