Re: Please, please, please...
- Can someone put an end to this "the internet is only there to push ads"?
That will only happen when a large enough number of people start paying in cold hard cash for their internet services. That means paying for all the currently free webmail, search, cloud storage, calendars, maps, photo storage and management, VPN services, and websites providing news, information / reference, entertainment etc plus I'm sure I've missed out a few. A quick estimate of Google's revenue vs user base shows that Google make around $100/year/user (and considerably less than that to provide the services they do, hence the massive profits). It's probably similar for FB, plus all the other smaller ones. How many people are willing to pay $200-250/year for a completely ad-free internet? And how many companies are willing to take the risk to go up against the incumbent giants with a paid model, knowing that if you make any headway those same giants will ruthlessly undercut you?
There's a large number of apps with an ad-free paying tier, many niche news and content websites that take a small subscrption fee etc, which tells me that such a model is possible for the small number of people willing to pay. As to the possibility that a critical mass of internet users will migrate to that model, I'm pretty sure that will happen on the same timeframe as airborne bacon.