Re: Too Far?
This was a fresh perspective for me to think about.
I think I'll give you a knee jerk reaction.
China subsidizes YMTC heavily and the result has been some extremely inexpensive flash for consumer and enterprise. I'm not completely sure, but I think I just spent about $100K on YMTC flash last month as the Huawei products were better than the Hitatchi, IBM, NetApp, Dell and SuperMicro solutions I evaluated. I believe the storage system I purchased was substantially faster for the price than their competitors because they had access to much less expensive enterprise SSD for cache.
Here's the thing though, China needs flash too.
In fact, China needs flash so badly that the government is willing to do what is necessary to make it competitive and affordable. As a result, China is a world leader in Flash technologies now.
Now here's the crux.
China is definitely going to lay on the funding thick now.
Consider what you just said. You're saying that YMTC is a threat the the rest of the world because China values YMTC so much they're willing to subsidize it. In fact, you're suggesting that these subsidies will run the competition out of business.
What do you think will happen now?
If YMTC is a threat, the Chinese government will ask them "What do you need?" and they will make it happen.
Already, China is growing and producing massive amounts of silicon ingots. They've already developed technology for slicing and polishing and transporting them. It's only a matter of time before the ingots grow large enough to start production (if they haven't already done so). That will cut Chinese semiconductor cost in half or even further.
Then there's lithography.
EUV isn't really a big secret and it's an evolution on earlier technology. Do you honestly believe that China can't make their own equipment?
When they do, they'll buy the machines for $1 million instead of $100 million and cut the price of semiconductors by 80% or more.
When Trump imposed those tariffs, he guaranteed that China would respond by investing trillions in making their own semiconductors. Also, they'll invest trillions to collapse TSMC which would collapse the Taiwanese economy which would make the west lose interest in Taiwan.
All this latest decision will do is accelerate China's timelines.
Trump and Biden will go down in history as the fools who signed the death of the western semiconductor industry.