back to article Twitter dismantles its Trust and Safety Council moments before meeting

Twitter has taken a match to its Trust and Safety Council, the group of 100 civil rights organizations formed in 2016 to tackle issues like hate speech, child exploitation and suicide on the platform. Although an advisory association, it is just the latest in a series of sweeping cuts to Twitter under Elon Musk's tenure as …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I must say…

    I'm impressed at the quality of this article. Factual, balanced, and with minimal editorialising and sensationalism, while still allowing itself to be critical.

    Well done, Richard! Much respect.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I must say…

      I do hope the comments will do the article justice too. I've seen some horrible rhetoric here on this subject. I'd appreciate if everyone could keep it respectful.

  2. Nick Ryan

    It all goes to show that Tesla was successful despite Musk, not because of him.

    1. Jim Mitchell

      Tesla and SpaceX supposedly have staff just to keep Musk from interfering with the company's operations. Twitter doesn't have that to protect itself from its Chief Twit.

      1. andrewj

        Getting more like Chief Twat by the hour.

        1. Jedit Silver badge

          "Getting more like Chief Twat by the hour."

          "Twat" is the past tense of "tweet", after all.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Snowflake journalism

    Its apparent the author is just another melting snowflake, subtitling with a snicker, Im sure, that Musk "is number 2" and glorying in the fact he is no longer the richest person in the world (for now). Im personally happy that the council of 100 woke liberal progressives ar eno longer conceling what used the be the media mounth piece of the liberal progressive democratic party. If this is an example of what is to be considered the level of truthful, objective, ethical "technical journalism" offered by The Register, we can only hope tthat the day will come when it too learns "woke is broke".

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Snowflake journalism

      It's called sensible, representative decision making. When everyone is allowed to vote (making the vote non-representative because it doesn't prioritise diverse votes), we get awful decision like Trump et al. being allowed to return and diminishing free speech on the platform by permitting hate against diverse individuals.

      1. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

        "When everyone is allowed to vote"

        ... who knows which minority groups might start getting uppity: women, blacks, Jews, etc. /sarcasm.

        Do you think you have some mathematically-"correct" way of deciding who should vote, and who should not vote, which will bring about "fairness"?

    2. Franco Bronze badge

      Re: Snowflake journalism

      The biggest flaw on your argument is that if you posted something on twitter so clearly disagreeing with your overlord Musk it would already have been deleted in the name of "free speech" whereas here you are allowed not to agree with the authors of articles.

      1. Khaptain Silver badge

        Re: Snowflake journalism

        I do not understand the majority of the the haters on El Reg, the only goals appears to be hating this guy...

        Why can't people stop with the hate for 5 minutes, stop judging everything that someone does every 2 seconds and do the adult thing and wait a little, be patient. Let's see if he can make a platform where people can speak openly without all the drama.

        It's as though Social Media makes people maniacal.. It doesn't make sense, it should be a bastion of ideas and evolution, instead it's a cess-pit where even societie's intelligencia comes to vent one's spleen..

        Think about it before replying, are you just adding to the hate or do you have something to offer.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Snowflake journalism

          free speech is DYING. To the mind of the privileged, it might seem that free speech is saying whatever you want but diverse free speech cannot flourish if everyone is permitted to spew disgusting hatred

          To protect free speech, it is more important that everyone feels free to speak than the oppressors feel free to say everything to the opressed. As Bob Dylan once said "please get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand"

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Snowflake journalism

          You obviously haven't been following the story. Have a look at the recent posts from Musk, and Jordan Peterson, for example.

        3. Hawkeye Pierce

          Re: Snowflake journalism

          You use the word "haters" but I don't see any justification for the use of that word. Lots of people here are "critics" of Musk and in my opinion that's a fair stance to take.

          Those that are critical of him are typically basing their opinions not on the last 2 seconds or even on just his post-buyout actions but on many years of his behaviour, comments and conduct.

          In my opinion, he's a very unpleasant person. I certainly don't hate him but I will certainly criticise numerous of his activities with - again, in my opinion, but it would seem with agreement of many others - very good evidence to support me.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Snowflake journalism

            I can't speak for the other poster, but I think there is a difference between "critics" and "haters".

            Humbly, I consider myself a critic of some of his actions (I also agree with some others, and the rest I just observe with morbid curiosity), but I am most definitely not a hater.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Snowflake journalism

              I've got the impression that many people hate him because his trolling serves as a sort of mirror in which you see your reflection.

              For instance, there was this "social studies" woman that went all hysterical because he posted a rabbit emoji. According to her, a rabbit represents intolerance, racism, and a bunch of other nasty things ending in -ism.

              Then someone pointed out that it could just as well be a Monty Python reference. :)

              He's a master troll, no doubt, and I suppose there is a risk of finding himself in Brian's position as an accidental messiah, to use another Monty Python reference, but it's really up to people to use their brains.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Snowflake journalism

                These people are part of the perpetually offended class who find isms in EVERYTHING! They have mostly never existed outside of academia or some other echo chamber and they feed off their own outrage and the feeling of moral superiority when they find a target while taking any criticism as a personal attack.

                4chan has been EPIC in trolling these people. Drinking milk, the OK hand sign, frogs.

        4. that one in the corner Silver badge

          Re: Snowflake journalism

          > It's as though Social Media makes people maniacal

          Isn't that basically what is being responded to? Not just some vague idea of "hate" but pointing out explicitly where Musk's own Social Media posts appear to be maniacal. Such as the one aimed at Yoel Roth, misrepresenting even just the snippet of the PhD included in the tweet.

          > do the adult thing and wait a little, be patient

          For some people (which possibly includes a lot of the commenters here) Twitter is not anything of any value, beyond being something to stare at in bewilderment. Personally, it makes no difference if Twitter lives or dies: I created my account to verify claims made in articles such as this one and the interest will peter out at some point.

          However, there are those for whom Twitter is important - for thousands, at least, it impacts their livelihood directly, for others (pick a number) they have to make decisions day to day about how they interact with Twitter the company. It is the story of these people that is the real discussion - and that isn't one that involves just waiting. And there are those who are reportedly even endangered by the reactions to events surrounding Twitter.

          > Let's see if he can make a platform where people can speak openly without all the drama.

          That is really the least important side of all this.

          > Think about it before replying, are you just adding to the hate or do you have something to offer.

          What I have to offer is a request to you - and others - to stop trying to trivialise the discussion by turning it into some kind of simple "you just hate him" / "you just love him" slapping match.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Snowflake journalism

            Good points in there, but I don't think the other poster was trying to trivialise anything.

            These words of his apply just as well to Musk as to anyone else:

            > It's as though Social Media makes people maniacal.. It doesn't make sense, it should be a bastion of ideas and evolution, instead it's a cess-pit where even societie's intelligencia comes to vent one's spleen..

            I do disagree with you on this point:

            > It is the story of these people that is the real discussion

            Without more details, I don't think that's of particular relevance in the wider context, and it certainly does not justify hate or demagogy.

            1. that one in the corner Silver badge

              Re: Snowflake journalism

              > I don't think the other poster was trying to trivialise anything.

              Sorry, but the first words of his post were

              >> I do not understand the majority of the the haters on El Reg, the only goals appears to be hating this guy...

              That entire post was just about "haters" - and using that approach will trivialise *any* issue.

              > I do disagree with you on this point:

              >> It is the story of these people that is the real discussion

              > Without more details, I don't think that's of particular relevance in the wider context

              Ah well, we disagree. But whatever Twitter becomes, the important point (to my mind) is how it will damage people[1] and whether its management cares about that - which can be judged by watching what the management reactions are to the damage being done under now under their care.

              [1] only damage because their is nothing positive, that I'm aware of, that Twitter can provide which is in any way unique to Twitter. Advertising, marketing, having slanging matches, interminable political name calling or even, in the extremes, sharing pictures of the new kitten with your family: if Twitter vanishes tomorrow there are outlets for all of those elsewhere.

              1. that one in the corner Silver badge

                Re: Snowflake journalism

                I'll correct myself: Twitter is a better transport for CheerLights than the (current) alternatives.



                Apologies for letting 'their' instead of 'there' slip past. That was far worse than not spotting "done under now under".

        5. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Snowflake journalism

          > Why can't people stop with the hate for 5 minutes, stop judging everything that someone does every 2 seconds and do the adult thing and wait a little, be patient. Let's see if he can make a platform where people can speak openly without all the drama.

          Very well said, monsieur.

          It's not often that I agree with you, but your post is so common sense that it would be preposterous not to.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Snowflake journalism

      The only thing melting down around here seems to be your hysterical post.

    4. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      It's all fun and games...

      ...Until we make fun of the thing you like. I bet if we wrote a gushing piece saying how Elon is a genius, and it's everyone else who is wrong, you'd be falling over yourself to thank our objective, truthful journalism.


      1. Khaptain Silver badge

        Re: It's all fun and games...

        What used to be a little bit of light fun poking at Bill Gates or Steve Jobs has now become full on hatred towards people that are not considered to be in the the correct political side.

        That's not reporting , that's just fueling a bad situation, El Reg has become an echo chamber. The actual good people don't comment because they don't want the hassle that goes along with making a negative remark.

        The comments are just using the same emotional blackmail as elsewhere

        Why do the left care about Twitter so much , other platforms exist. El Reg has been overtaken by a minority of shouty leftists that don't want to debate, they just want to call people out using the usual Homophobe transphobe, misogynist, racist rhetoric. It's the only game they know how to play..

        I've been en El Reg since 2008, it's unbelievable how far down hill it's gone. The American office has obviously taken control of who writes what...

        1. Graham Cobb

          Re: It's all fun and games...

          Why do the left care about Twitter so much

          This is really not about politics. I don't care what political views are allowed or disallowed on Twitter. Musk has bought it and can decide, if he wishes, that the only tweets allowed are retweets of things he says. Or any other message he decides. It is his to do with as he wishes.

          However, he is not free to abuse people. The Trust and Safety Council bear no responsibility for any decisions or actions made by the previous management. They have been providing advice, based on their considerable experience and expertise, on request. They made Twitter better, and they made it more successful by increasing its reach to the communities they came from. If Twitter no longer wants that, that is fine - it will turn into Truth Social and become a tiny echo chamber for a bunch of losers but if that is what the owner wants, that is fine.

          The individuals who advised, and even those who took decisions and acted for, the previous management do not deserve personal abuse. They were doing their job, in they way they felt best. It was just a job. If you don't agree with their actions, that is fine - instruct them to act differently or even fire them. But it is not acceptable to abuse them. Nor is it acceptable to fire up unstable idiots who may attack them.

          1. Steve Button Silver badge

            Re: It's all fun and games...

            I was with you right up to the last sentence.

            " Nor is it acceptable to fire up unstable idiots who may attack them."

            That's a dangerous line to take. What he's saying is basically true, even if not the main point of the thesis. But if people choose to get "fired up" about it, that's surely down to them individually? If what he's saying are lies, that's a different matter and he deserves to go the same route as Alex Jones.

        2. Steve Button Silver badge

          Re: It's all fun and games...

          It's the woke mind virus taking over. ;-)

          I'm JOKING. Sort of. El Reg does seem to be like all the other Silicon Valley lefty publications. If you're not "progressive" you must be a a right wing nazi, and therefore I'm going to call you that.

          It's not that you are making fun of Elon, it's that you seem to be negative about EVERYTHING that he does. I think he's even more of a wanker than Steve Jobs, and doing less useful stuff. However, SOME of the things he's doing are interesting and useful. Like shining a light on the collusion between government, the tech press and Twitter. Almost certainly the same thing is happening at Google, Facebook, LinkedIN and all the others. THAT'S THE REAL STORY. Why don't you look into that?

          It's certainly a lot less fun than it used to be, for much of my free time, I'll be taking my eyeballs somewhere else.

          There's a lot of regurgitating press releases, and a lot less of the excellent series about Nokia (for example) and sending balloons into space, or trying pub nosh, or "Biting the Hand". I don't care about SAP/HANA, and neither does anyone else.

          Be edgy. The world doesn't need another CNET.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: It's all fun and games...

            Agreed - sadly an end of a long fun era that seems to have been recently hijacked and is no longer fun: now it's merely an echo chamber.

          2. codejunky Silver badge

            Re: It's all fun and games...

            @Steve Button

            "Like shining a light on the collusion between government, the tech press and Twitter."

            Considering how big the 'Twitter files' are I am disappointed how little the news is jumping on this. Even having to kick out one of the 'reviewers' for suspicion of being an FBI connection and 'vetting' the twitter files without Musk knowing.

            1. Steve Button Silver badge

              Re: It's all fun and games...

              I know! Amen to that.

              When I read The Twitter Files (not so much the first one) my jaw dropped, and I thought holy shit, all that stuff we suspected they were doing, they are actually doing. And no one seems to care. I don't care which side of politics you support, and I can see arguments for both being liberal and conservative, but what I really hate is unfairness. It's not as if someone was putting a finger on the scale to balance things towards liberal, it's putting a size 11 boot on the scale.

              Democrats would contact Twitter to ask for something to be censored, and they would just come back "sorted" (or whatever word). Republicans would also demand things be censored and that would be mostly ignored.

              Trump was BANNED for saying "The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, American First, and Make America Great Again, will have a Giant Voice long into the future,” and “They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!”. ** I'm really no fan of Trump **, but that's really not incitement to violence. They just didn't want him on the platform, and were looking for an excuse to take him off. Scandalous.

              Most of the media are just looking the other way and whistling. Nothing to see here. Move along. These are not the droids you are looking for.

              Or if they do talk about it, for example Hunter Biden they make out it's about his dick picks, and not the fact that he got a high level lucrative position at a Ukrainian oil company because he was the son of Joe. (presumably it wasn't for his oil industry experience!?).

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: It's all fun and games...

                well considering that the twitler files are pretty much right wing bollocks dressed up as facts. and all that is false right wing talking points

                You know thats not what the orange twat was banned for.

                WTF is it with right wing bollock talkers always talking bollocks.

                and all the pretend "i'm not a trump supporter" bollocks.

              2. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: It's all fun and games...

                " I don't care which side of politics you support, and I can see arguments for both being liberal and conservative"

                Well considering "liberal" = "right loons" and "conservative" = "right wing Qloons possibly to the right of hitler".

                you seem to only support right wing shit.

                FFs democrats are mostly centre right.

                You don't seem to know what the fuck is anything on the left

              3. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: It's all fun and games...

                > When I read The Twitter Files (not so much the first one) my jaw dropped

                To be honest, those show a lack of transparency that really shouldn't have been there, but there's no real smoking gun, is there?

                I'm also not sure how transparent or balanced the "investigation" on these "files" is. I mean, are they representative of the full picture or just one side of it?

                1. Khaptain Silver badge

                  Re: It's all fun and games...

                  "I'm also not sure how transparent or balanced the "investigation" on these "files" is. I mean, are they representative of the full picture or just one side of it?"

                  That's exactly why Taibibi and Weiss were chosed as they were known to be objective in their research. Taibibi is certainely no conservative as the MSM have now tried to smear him..

                  He honestly appears to be a down to earth kind of guy just doing what a journalist should do: Reporting on matters objectively and then letting us decide for ourselves.

                  Do you have something to approach against Taibibi ou Weiss, why are making the insinuation that it is not balanaced ?

                  1. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    Re: It's all fun and games...

                    haha, balenced.

                    like including the urls biden(private citizen wanted blocked, mostly dick pics)

                    but mentioning in passing that orange twats white house (part of the GOV) was also blocking, but does not include the urls of what was it was blocking.

                    So not balenced reporting at all.

          3. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: It's all fun and games...

            > It's certainly a lot less fun than it used to be,

            True that. I loved the irreverent tabloid take on IT news from back in the Heines days. It was also equally offensive to pretty much everyone who was not the Queen, but hardly ever disrespectful.

            I enjoyed very much Williams' technical deep dive articles, but his .com ElReg is a bland shadow of its former self, much like American remakes in general :) Mind, the UK has become a lot more Americanised too. Conquered by its own colony. :-/

            > for much of my free time, I'll be taking my eyeballs somewhere else.

            Recommendations *much* welcome, please!

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: It's all fun and games...

          > Why do the left care about Twitter so much , other platforms exist. El Reg has been overtaken by a minority of shouty leftists

          I do disagree with this (and as a leftist, take slight offence), unless you're talking about whatever Americans call "the left", which is what we in Europe (and a minority in the US) call "the right".

          To wit:

          I do agree that we're seeing an increase in "San Francisco Talibans" here, but well, it takes all sorts.

        4. 43300 Silver badge

          Re: It's all fun and games...

          I'm on the left politically - and I agree with the comment that there is an increasing intolerance of opposing views, and it is definitely coming far more from the left than the right.

          It is typified by the Covidian Cult, which has adherents from all poltical avenues but the most rabid behaviour has come from the left, who are quick to shout 'misinformation', 'disinformation', 'false information', 'fake news' about anything they don't agree with, and demand that it is censored. It's this sort of behaviour which causes deepening divisions in societies and is ultimately to nobody's benefit. In the case of the Covidians, it often seemed to be that they didn't actually have a reasoned response to whatever they were criticising and so demanded that it be censored if it didn't agree with "The Science", (which should be termed "The Approved Narrative"). Science is not about stating something dogmatically as a 'fact' and demanding that opposing views be censored: that's the behaviour of fundamentalist religions. Science is, or should be, about presenting both sides of any disagreement to allow conclusions to be drawn by listeners as to which is the most compelling. But that does of course mean presenting actual evidence, rather than sticking fingers in ears and shouting "Safe and Effective" repeatedly.

      2. Steve Button Silver badge

        Re: It's all fun and games...

        Slow down a bit. I need to put some more popcorn in the microwave.

        1. Sp1z

          Re: It's all fun and games...

          Can I grab some please? This is hilarious.

          And there was me thinking that the El Reg readership was a pretty intelligent bunch...

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: It's all fun and games...

        > Until we make fun of the thing you like. I bet if we wrote a gushing piece saying how Elon is a genius, and it's everyone else who is wrong,

        If that is addressed to me, I'm happy to say that you're wrong.

        Firstly because I have no particular opinion on Mr Musk and certainly don't like or dislike him.

        > you'd be falling over yourself to thank our objective, truthful journalism.

        I probably wouldn't, though I'd probably complain less than if (when) you write a hit piece.

        I am all for humour, self deprecation and of course, criticism. I just think that that can be achieved without excessive personal attacks and without compromising journalistic ethics, such as when you make false claims, as you did a few articles ago (I can look up the specific article if interested).

        If I have praised Richard for this article is because of its journalistic quality, most certainly *not* because of it confirming my biases (or not). I'm disappointed that you think otherwise.

        Lastly, in this day and age, I'm not sure to what extent we should be mixing information and entertainment in the same article, or criticise or make fun of people to the point of dehumanising them, regardless of who they are. Everyone is someone's child.

    5. Michael Strorm Silver badge

      What a load of, er, "number 2"

      Are you parodying American "conservative" whaarrrgarbl or did you actually mean for this pick-n'-mix of silly clichés to be taken seriously?

      > Im sure, that Musk "is number 2"

      I'd certainly agree that Musk is, in one particular sense, "number 2"!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What a load of, er, "number 2"

        > I'd certainly agree that Musk is, in one particular sense, "number 2"!

        Who is number one?

        1. hnwombat

          Re: What a load of, er, "number 2"

          > Who is number one?

          That would be telling.

    6. A Non e-mouse Silver badge

      Re: Snowflake journalism

      If you think El Reg is so bad, why do you read its articles and write comments?

      1. dak

        Re: Snowflake journalism

        Because it didn't use to be so bad, so reading it became a daily habit.

        That is a habit that may not last the rest of this year. The past few months have seen a rapid decrease in useful, objective or genuinely witty reporting.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Snowflake journalism

          "I'm going to stop reading this site, because it dares to call out paranoid loonies, racists, and fascists" isn't the noble statement you think it is.

          If you want to read things that align with your world view, despite being false, then stick to Fox.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Snowflake journalism

            (K)GB News also fits the bill nicely.

        2. UCAP Silver badge

          Re: Snowflake journalism

          That is a habit that may not last the rest of this year

          Don't let us slow you down on the way to door marked "exit". Please remember to pick up your coat on the way out.

        3. Dave@Home

          Re: Snowflake journalism

          It's not an airport flower, cheerio

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Snowflake journalism

        > If you think El Reg is so bad, why do you read its articles

        Out of habit and because there are a couple of authors that write well and about interesting subjects.

        > and write comments?

        To give feedback and ask questions.

    7. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Snowflake journalism

      Define "woke", magatard.

      You're basically attacking people who are against racism, sexism, and homophobia.

      What a nasty piece of work you are. It's only because of the hard-of-thinking like you that the obvious Qanon, anti-vax, anti-democracy etc. likes have to be censored.

      If you weren't such an insecure sheep who believe everything some rando posts anonymously, this type of shite could remain.. You need protecting from yourselves. It's what a civil society does.

      And "Melting snowflake"? Not all thick people are racist maga-morons, but all racist maga morons are thick... Just don't ever leave your parents basement.

      P.S. Musk will never love you back.

    8. James Anderson Silver badge

      Re: Snowflake journalism

      While I respect peoples right to hold “ conservative” views ( doublespeak for radical right wing ideology which uses the idea of “freedom” to impose their moral code on unbelievers ).

      What really amazes me is their ability to ignore any inconvenient fact. How can a platform that let Donald Trump vent his racist hateful mean and spiteful rants for years be labelled left wing and woke?

      A real conservative would year for a return to polite discourse and mutual respect and an end to the name calling and insults.

      1. codejunky Silver badge

        Re: Snowflake journalism

        @James Anderson

        "What really amazes me is their ability to ignore any inconvenient fact. How can a platform that let Donald Trump vent his racist hateful mean and spiteful rants for years be labelled left wing and woke?"

        Which platform? You dont mean twitter do you?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Snowflake journalism


      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Snowflake journalism

        > How can a platform that let Donald Trump vent his racist hateful mean and spiteful rants for years be labelled left wing and woke?

        There's a school of thought on philosophy that says that we are defined by who are enemies are, without them we are nothing.

        Could that answer your question?

    9. Roger Kynaston

      Re: Snowflake journalism

      You are Elon Musk and I claim my £5 ($6.19 at present).

    10. CountCadaver Silver badge

      Re: Snowflake journalism

      Really? As the "woke" obsessed print media is dying on its feet, with its subscriber base rapidly shrinking due to an ever climbing average age, the fact that younger millenials (mid 20s to early 30s), Gen Z and Gen A are majority in favour of equal rights and diversity and so aren't interested in the newspaper version of the odd person in the park screaming that the cows are plotting revolution

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

    A fact-based article about Musk? Are you kidding? The Reg hates Musk and is against anything he does. We've seen the proof of how those committees operated. It was just one big liberal propaganda machine designed to bury opinions that were contrary while proclaiming it was all about "safety" and "fairness." People here like that approach though, like Big Brother knows what's best for you.

    Apparently the writers here are also big believers in the government providing "cradle-to-grave" care that's barely one step ahead of the socialism (most) claim to despise. Notice that the plan to pay for all that utopia is always "tax the rich" -- as if anyone ever got rich in a socialist society!

    And to think he insisted that all those hipsters return to the workplace when they were so chill at home! How DARE he treat it like a business?! Damn his success! (but tax it anyway)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

      The site has become completely shit since it turned into a collection of far-left US-centric opinion pieces.

      Make El Reg Great Again.

      1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

        Re: "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

        I'm afraid we're swimming against the tide. I won't give up on El Reg... yet, but the clock is ticking.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

          nope your just swimming in far right shit!

          that shit will just drag you down.

          The left keep trying to give you life boats, but you just turn your nose up as it's helping everyone not just you

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

            Sometimes it feels like the right are offering you a nice warm covered life boat with blankets, warm milk and cookies. The far left are offering you tattered life vest filled with cement.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

              The "right" are on the boat sippng champange and eating steak, only thing your getting is pissed and shat on.

              (unless you can offer them a bribe, if you are a lobbyist with no morals)

          2. imanidiot Silver badge

            Re: "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

            There is no right or left in this entire debacle (or american politics). It's all just a giant lagoon of shit. If you stay in the middle-ish you might just about be able to stand on the bottom and keep your head mostly out of the mire.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

              ...Tea break is over. Back on your heads!

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

        I'd like for those foaming-at-the-mouth Americans who think anything to the left of Genghis Khan is "far left" and consider their Democratic party to be "Marxist" to be made to live under an *actual* far-left Marxist society.

        You know, just to see if they could tell the difference.

        And also for a laugh. :-)

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

          There is no education system that has failed quite so gloriously as the American... :(

        2. iron

          Re: "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

          Personally I'd like them to fuck off back to USAian news sites and leave El Reg alone but I never get what i want.

    2. Wyrdness

      Re: "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

      A friend said the other day "Idolising Musk is like believing the stripper really likes you". Never a truer word...

    3. heyrick Silver badge

      Re: "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

      "that's barely one step ahead of the socialism (most) claim to despise"

      Okay, who let the Americans in? That word doesn't mean what you all seem to think it means.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "Fair" story about Musk? Ha!

        It's all Americans now. Hasn't always been, but El Reg seemingly pivoted hard toward the US market because "that was the largest audience", but in doing so diluted a lot of the "Britishness" that made Ol' Reg appealing to their original audience.

  5. Kev18999

    Given how much free porn including pedo stuff was available on Twitter, the trust and safety group never did their jobs.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      They were combatting hatred. Priorities are important.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Err, you do know the trust & safety group were purely advisory, not Twitter employees, and had no power to make any changes on Twitter ?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Then why the fuss over getting rid of them?

        1. Graham Cobb

          1) It is pretty stupid to get rid of a very experienced group of people giving you the benefit of their advice. You can always choose to ignore it if you disagree, and you may learn something useful.

          2) It is not acceptable to stir up hatred against a group of people who have been considering hard questions and giving advice, by request. You may disagree with their advice but it is not acceptable to put their safety at risk.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            By the looks of it the group has been busy working on pushing their own political ideology, sometimes at the request of government actors, rather than giving advice. They allow people who fit their political ideology to stir up hatred against people who do not share their political ideology. They are now reaping what they previously sowed.


            Basically "its OK if I do it as I am morally superior" and "when I do it there is context".

            1. Graham Cobb

              I will remind you of the post which started this sub-thread: Err, you do know the trust & safety group were purely advisory, not Twitter employees, and had no power to make any changes on Twitter ?

    3. This post has been deleted by its author

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Is that just something you "heard"?

      If you made it up, confess now before the door is knocked down.

      1. Ordinary Donkey

        If you follow any child protection charities you know this stuff.

        I'm guessing the council was dismantled mostly because of the leader's publication that talked about children and grindr. However you interpret it, it was way outside most people's comfort zone.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Welcome to the Global Village

    He is #2

    you are #2042534683

    your cubicle/domicile is marked with your number.

    dinner will be served shortly please get in the queue....

    1. Nick Ryan

      Re: Welcome to the Global Village

      Beware the big white bouncing ball.

    2. that one in the corner Silver badge

      Re: Welcome to the Global Village

      > He is #2

      Indeed he is, but as he isn't Leo McKern we know what'll happen by the end of the episode.

      "Hammer into Anvil" comes to mind, dunno why.

  7. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "the world's second richest man"

    Soon to be third, then fourth, etc.

    He's on his way to irrelevance and, AFAIC, it can't happen quickly enough.

  8. the GCHRD

    The False American Notion of Free Speech

    Freedom is never absolute. Your freedom of movement at a four way stop is curbed for the greater safety of society and so there is an increasing understanding among governments that some forms of individual speech serve no purpose in a healthy society.

    In Canada, hate speech is a criminal offence and our decades old curbs clearly need updating to stop the lies, disinformation and fomenting that are now amplified by commercial algorithms. No person who assumes a public profile should be allowed to damage trust in the public discourse, or profit from that damage.

    Musk is certainly worthy of ridicule, before his business plan is complete, because he has used his high profile to promote a false concept of 'absolute free speech'. This false concept has been used here as a justification for incitement and aggression, that have not advanced the discussion. It has caused an aggressive atmosphere that repels the healthy debate of ideas and lowers the standard to simple opposition.

    Typically I find the comments at the Reg a worthy read and the exchange of a range of ideas is very informative and entertaining. Most of this discussion was not that. And THIS is the point. We can do so much better than this. Musk and some commenters here have simply lowered the bar to throwing pies at one another.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The False American Notion of Free Speech

      Here, here. Free speech is only truly free if it empowers and promotes the speech of the oppressed. In fact, the standard position of the oppressors (cishet able neurotypical white christian males) should be silence because that is the only way to ensure everyone is heard and feels free to speak. For others, intersectional standards of oppresion should be considered to decide who gets there turn. At the same time, silence is violence, so be sure to amplify the voices that need to be amplified.

      If this seems dystopian to you, remember that to the oppressors, equality feels like discrimination.

    2. TheMeerkat Silver badge

      Re: The False American Notion of Free Speech

      A lot of today’s texts defending curbing freedom of speech, saying that “freedom is not absolute” and that there should be “responsibility for speech” are very much like the texts by Soviet propagandists circa 1980.

      Effectively they repeat what every dictator’s propaganda said to explain why they were jailing opposition.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: The False American Notion of Free Speech

        Citations please.

        1. the GCHRD

          Re: The False American Notion of Free Speech

          The evidence is all around you, it maintains the world you live in, yet nearly everyone is distracted by shiny, logical-sounding axioms.

          In the Western tradition, a statute or regulation merely sets out the gross goals of a law, the shoulder cases or the ultimate definition of the scope, application and limitation of a law are derived from the history of court judgments on the issue; the case law. The third leg on the stool is 'community standard', the context for the adjudication. Rape law, just a few decades ago, was judged in the context that 'women shouldn't wear short skirts or go to bars' if they didn't want to be raped. The community standard has evolved and now men are convicted if they use a woman's appearance as a pretext to an attack.

          In the case of 'free speech', we have curbs and prohibitions that go back centuries. You will recognize the ones that protect against lies, as contract, fraud and libel laws. The ones that protect against misrepresentation exist under advertising, labelling and consumer protection. The common thread in all of them is they protect money. Enter the community standard again and we have a growing understanding that it is important to protect the integrity of public discourse. Trust in public discourse is essential to a healthy democracy.

          Unfortunately, a string of politicians and public figures around the world have done the math and decided that the segment of the population that can be activated by invective, fomenting and lies, is often sufficiently large to give them a win in an election or deliver a business advantage. A person who is willing to burn down the system to win, is not contributing to a sustainable society. A concept unequivocally established in the examples above.

          The Soviet Union was an exemplar of zero trust for public discourse and both personal behaviour and politics were severely damaged as a result. Over my lifetime, the great shock to me has been watching major powers in the West slide into exactly the same characteristics.

          The political problem for the immediate future, is reducing this explanation to a soundbite that is more widely digestible. Until then, the liars can use shiny axiomatic statements to defeat the truth at every turn.

          Thank you for your upvotes. Many of you work at the pointy end of this issue and your thoughtful attention is appreciated and important.


          1. Someone Else Silver badge

            Re: The False American Notion of Free Speech

            And this acts as a "citation" how, again?

      2. Terry Barnes

        Re: The False American Notion of Free Speech

        No, you simply misunderstand Popper’s Paradox.

        Unless of course your definition of free speech includes me standing outside your mother or daughter’s house with a megaphone in the middle of the night yelling ‘wh*re’ at them without pause.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    On Taiwan

    “My recommendation … would be to figure out a special administrative zone for Taiwan that is reasonably palatable, probably won’t make everyone happy,” Musk told the Financial Times in an interview published on Friday. “And it’s possible, and I think probably, in fact, that they could have an arrangement that’s more lenient than Hong Kong.”

    Don't forget, Hong Kong itself had an arrangement more lenient than what it has now, and predictably that vanished.

    On CCP manipulation of Twitter

    "Chinese bots are flooding Twitter with 'escort ads', possibly to make it more difficult for Chinese users to access information about the mass protests," wrote Mengyu Dong, a researcher with the Stanford Internet Observatory, a social media research project, in a Twitter post. "Some of these [accounts] have been dormant for years, only to become active yesterday after protests broke out in China."

    The amount of pro psy ops on Twitter is ridiculous! At least with new Verified they will pay $8 for the privilege haha," [Musk] tweeted. Then he followed up with an image of hate symbol Pepe the Frog, encircled by the phrase, "Honestly I don't care about this particular psyop."

    Some years ago I posted on Ars Technica news about the new China Telsa factory, saying it would lead to the CCP attempting to manipulate Musk. I got massively downvoted. But I never imagined Musk would be so blatant and actually lovin' the abuse up like he is now.

    There must be a good reason to respect Musk and his choice to use Twitter's soft power to ingratiate himself with the CCP. However due perhaps to my self brainwashing I'm having trouble seeing it. Can someone help me, please?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Pooh

      Musky has to be careful with china.

      He has some big factories there, and gets most batteries made there.

      If he doesn't suck china's XI balls enough, tesla goes bye bye.

      and muskys shrinking fortune goes with it.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Pooh

        > Musky has to be careful with china.

        We all have to. That's where we have delocalised much of our production (especially the polluting stuff).

        Whether you own the factory or you simply consume its products, we all risk being screwed.

  10. Reginald O.

    "Move Fast, Break Things" -King Z.

    Mr. Musk sure has that commandment down pat. I think, maybe, in the long run, it might work out all right. Maybe.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "Move Fast, Break Things" -King Z.

      Would you care to define "all right"? Musk himself already tweeted the old joke "How do make a small fortune? Start with a large one."

  11. Winkypop Silver badge

    The cult of Musk

    He’s a bit of a dill, but it’s his acolytes that scare me.

  12. Potemkine! Silver badge

    Die Twitter, die.

    The better Muskie kills Twitter, the better. It causes much more sufferings than good things through online harassment, hate speech and conspiracies. Muskie does really a good job about bringing Twitter to its knees. In a short time, Parler will seem like a left-wing propaganda tool compared to the cesspit-like Twitter.

    Of course, some as marketers and journalists will be sorry because Twitter made the work for them, but is this important in the context of the greater good?

    == Bring us Dabbsy back! ==

  13. Bebu

    Lacking Recognition?

    And this guy was surprised that he was booed by thousands during a comedy gig on Sunday.

    Booed? Only in America can an audience not recognize a clown when they see one.

  14. Dan 55 Silver badge


    In other news Twitter will be forcing personalized advertising on all users and is considering using location and phone numbers to target ads, in spite of GDPR y CCPR.

    Also they have apparently deleted the country code for Ukraine from the list of accepted countries for SMS. Free speech for some, but not for others.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: 2FU

      Would it trouble you too much to embellish your post with a source? Thank you.

      1. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Re: 2FU

        Obligatory targeted advertising, forcing people to share location and phone number

        Ukraine's country code removed from country code list - as soon as Twitter notices "unusual activity" (pretty much every new account), most Ukrainians won't be able to give a phone number and the account will be limited.

        In addition to burying posts which have Ukrainian content (same thread).

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: 2FU

          So you do consider Twitter a reliable source after all? :)

          1. Dan 55 Silver badge

            Re: 2FU

            When you post a link to an El Reg comment, do you consider the source is El Reg itself or the poster?

  15. codejunky Silver badge

    It's all fun and games...

    *This is a repost as the entire threat appears to have been nuked but I feel this post is worth preserving in the conversation of twitter and 'trust and safety'

    @Steve Button

    "Like shining a light on the collusion between government, the tech press and Twitter."

    Considering how big the 'Twitter files' are I am disappointed how little the news is jumping on this. Even having to kick out one of the 'reviewers' for suspicion of being an FBI connection and 'vetting' the twitter files without Musk knowing.

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