NASA coverage is a joke
Artemis one tracker has been stuck for several hours now
Typical of a government agency.
Space X would do a better job and coverage, when they get Star ship sorted
NASA's crewless Orion capsule is all set to return to Earth and splash down in the Pacific Ocean on Sunday, December 11 after spending nearly a month orbiting the Moon. Orion has been hurtling toward home, and will reach speeds of 25,000 miles per hour (11.2 kilometres per second) as it gets closer and closer. When the pod …
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Actually, no, they're going to let it float a couple hours.
Most important is how the heatshield cools off and how it interacts with the sea water. And if there's a big heat pulse to the interior.
They're also going to see how it handles the sea state, if it leaks, and if it's as stable as it's supposed to be,
Edit: the Apollo CM heatshield was the biggest unknown of the program. Nothing of that size had come back at escape velocity. They simply tripled the amount of shielding they thought they needed, and it turned out they had about 6x what they really needed. They could have saved a LOT of weight.
Edit part deux: and yes, the coverage has been ABYSMAL. They lost a lot of public enthusiasm, I think.
Is the Reg making a subtle joke with the unit conversions ? Or have they hired a liberal arts student to write this?
I especially like the “ Slowing down from km/s to m/s” forcing me to some math in my head to get the scale right.
I’m on vacation damn it, yes that’s my brain floating in the gin and tonic, please don’t take it away my dear waiter.
If it's a suspiciously round number in either set of units then it's been rounded by PR.
Orbital mechanics doesn't fit either set of units and give nice round numbers......
Oh, NASA's primary audience is the average US Citizen who thinks in Miles, Gallons & Fahrenheit. Your favourite search engine can quickly provide conversions between units; why complain that they are not given in your favourite?
25,000 mph = 0.3728
300 mph = 0.0045
... % of the maximum velocity of a sheep in a vacuum.
landing craft are used for amphibious warfare but unless they drive up onto the beach they are not referred to as amphibious eg the Amphibious Assault Vehicle ( previously called "Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel")
USS Portland is an amphibious warfare vessel of the type sometimes known as "landing platform, dock"
Watching the capsule drop into the ocean... garnered all the excitement of a damp squib. The shape of the thing was the same old shape of the thing from the late 60s, 54 years ago... nothing has changed. This isn't a better idea. It is the same old rehash idea. More nostalgia anodyne bromide for those that think this 8 Billion dollar mission was anything other than a waste of dough. Japan failed to launch its rover to the moon... spark plug wires or something... Some Japanese engineer probably gave himself an appendectomy after this humiliation.
So this is diversity engineering and it just caught up to 1968... and NASA video was as good as super8 gear gets when it was turned on that is, when it wasn't being ignored completely. So that was selling the sizzle in 68... the only thing missing was B&W Cathode Ray Televisions.
But it did demonstrate one thing... how utterly unnecessary astronauts are to the navigation and driving this "SPACE CAPSULE"
Yeah, that title does include me. As someone who watched every bit of Apollo footage from back in the day watching the three big red and white parachutes as the capsule slowly descended to splashdown was pretty much a nostalgia thing. Sure, it seems like a backward step from the Shuttle, but wings on a spacecraft are just wasted weight and this can go beyond lower Earth orbit.
That said, would we learn any more from sending people up in this than from sending a robot probe which doesn't need food, water, or air? Especially if the plan is (as it was back in the olden days) to continue to Mars where the time taken to get there would disadvantage fragile meatbags much more.