back to article Taiwan bans state-owned devices from running Chinese platform TikTok

Public sector bans of Chinese platform TikTok on the grounds of national security have arisen in both Taiwan and additional US states following last week’s ban in South Dakota. US FCC Commissioner has praised Taiwan’s move as “smart” and its Ministry of Digital Affairs as having “strong leadership.” NEW: Taiwan has imposed a …

  1. VoiceOfTruth Silver badge


    American stooges.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Taiwan

      you prefer them to be spare parts (organ harvesting) for your chinnese sisters?

      or are you just crying because you don't want to lose your tiktok access?

    2. llaryllama

      Re: Taiwan

      Better an American Stooge than a... git.

  2. that one in the corner Silver badge


    > and inappropriate collection of sensitive personal information

    is the MO of *all* the social media (and so many other) websites and apps. Why ban just a select few from state networks?

    "Oh, the TikTok data goes to the CCP, but FB data is safe in the US". Leaving aside that *still* leaves the bulk of humanity at the mercy of both, what assurances are there that FB et al aren't sharing with the CCP (maybe via some indirect route)? After all, they have a duty to their shareholders to sell as much data for as much money to as many buyers as they can reach.

    Let us not forget the FitBit story, where the yomping routes were found because of all the data showing up in those strangely empty areas of the map: no need for commie nackdoors needed.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Reiterating

      Meta is a public listed company, not willingly sharing your data with a PLC so they can make money is the very definition of communism

  3. that one in the corner Silver badge


    Are we all being slowed by more moderation on Register forums these days, or is it just me being scrutinised as a potential dissident element?

    1. MrDamage Silver badge

      Re: PS

      You're only being paranoid because everyone hates you. Relax.

      1. that one in the corner Silver badge

        Re: PS

        Huh? Clearly I've missed something in your reply.

        After nearly 20 years on The Register (under various logins) it is only in the last couple of weeks that I've noticed any comments being held for moderation before they appear to thr public. So previously either the moderators were all *incredibly* quick to vet posts before they appeared or there has been a change. In the latter case, for obvious reasons, I can only see that my comments are being affected - unless, you know, I ask here what other people are experiencing. I have absolutely no idea what your mention of paranoia is meant to represent: I can clearly see that moderation is delaying my posts, sometimes by many hours!

        The effect of an increase in moderation is to markedly slow down the rate at which posts appear - which reduces/removes the ability to have a snappy conversation in the comments and also produces the effect of a story being ignored as no or very few comments appear, especially in the first few hours.

        What other way of finding out if this is something that is now widespread on The Register than by asking the question?[1]

        So, once more: is anyone else seeing their posts in these articles being (increasingly) delayed by being moderated before they appear?

        [1] btw, only asked first here 'cos this was the story I was reading at the time.

        1. eldakka

          Re: PS

          > So, once more: is anyone else seeing their posts in these articles being (increasingly) delayed by being moderated before they appear?

          The Register doesn't (or at least historically hasn't, things may have changed recently, but I haven't noticed) moderate posts in general.

          A user account can get flagged for repeated 'reports', in which case it gets put on the naughty list whereby all posts from that user get moderated (that is, held up until a staff member gets around to allowing the post to go ahead or rejects it) until The Register decides to take the account off the naughty list.

          They never offer an explanation of why one has been put on the naughty list, although reasons one can be put on the naughty list (besides the obvious of abusive behaviour like bullying, stalking, issueing threats and so on) include using comments to point out article mistakes instead of using the "report a problem with this article" link. They don't like being called out 'publically' - in comments - for typo's, misstatements, or just plain wrong articles. Of course, this depends on the individual author of the article and how it's pointed out in the comments, if a joke of it is made (e.g. a pun) then that can be fine, but saying (to the article author) "what!? You're wrong, you said X when it's Y you idiot" can get you put on the naughty list pretty fast.

          BTW - I'm speaking from experience here, I've been on the naughty list at least three times over the last decade (one of those for at least 6 months - sill don't know why), I assume (since I've never been told) that it was for pointing out something wrong in an article and not using the 'report' link. And I can tell you, - as you've found out - being moderated spoils 'witty comeback' - type comments when it gets held over the weekend (quite reasonably there aren't staff hanging about on the weekend to go through moderated user posts) so it 'appears' 3 days after being posted, sorta loses it's impact ;)

          My posts appear pretty much strait away as I'm not on the nighty list at the moment (knock on wood), so no I haven't noticed any particular slowdown.

          If you actually see on your "My Posts" list on a comment "Awaiting Moderation" then that means most likely that your account is actively on the naughty list.

          1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

            Re: PS

            More posts are also being banned for a level of sarcasm which would be obvious to a stunned (British) herring - or a working group of USA based professors of advanced irony

          2. that one in the corner Silver badge
            Big Brother

            Re: PS

            Thank you for that clear explanation.

            I am clearly on the naughty list at the moment :-(

            I'll admit I did *try* to post a "correction", with a " funny" reason for why it happened, but that was well after I'd already been listed (it got denied - my first denial!). Maybe it was when an entire long thread got deleted on the "in memoriam" for Kathleen Booth (I was about halfway down the thread, defending Ada Lovelace against charges that she didn't do anything useful - a total sidetrack from poor Ms Booth)? Who knows <shrug>.

            But now I can add it to my list headed "Yes, I *am* a Bad Boy Rebel, The Man has it in for me"; on with the leather jacket, just have to serve my time.

            Got any snout?

  4. Snowy Silver badge

    Their device

    They should be allowed to say what you can run on it.

    1. AbominableCodeman

      Re: Their device

      I am confused by any organisation that allows their issued devices to have ANY user installed applications on them. I know my org spends a considerable amount on mobile management software to prevent exactly that kind of thing.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Their device

        I'm confused by any organisation that issues devices. They normally just insist that you have your own, insist that you give them admin rights on it and insist you work out how to make their security profile software work - just so you can have Microsoft Email 24x7

        Oddly it doesn't work on my GrapheneOS phone and IT can't work out why (I might have failed to mention the GrapheneOS part)

  5. trindflo Bronze badge

    A good start

    Next define a standard for reasonable moderation (as in reasonable person) and block social forums that fail to perform it.

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