Separation of responsibilities
WTF is a person with change and add access to the organization's website doing with authority and access to case file data or summaries?
Really. Why?
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) "erroneously" posted names and other personal information belonging to more than 6,252 individuals seeking asylum in the US on its website earlier this week. The data dump happened on Monday morning during a "routine" website update, according to ICE. About five hours later, Human …
As a guess, if you're only tool is a hammer everything starts looking like a nail. Privacy and decent IT practices aren't part of their mandate. Catching people is what they do. Data is optimized for accessibility. A very blunt instrument. I'm sure there are plenty of decent individuals that work there, but I doubt their humanity is what gets them raises.
stupid idiotic things the UK Go Vermin have done already or are are planning to do in the future, handing over NHS patient data to the organisation which is claiming to be capable of handling the information securely...................
Aw for fucks sake, not again !
Sod it, I do believe that no one in UK Go Vermins is actually taking any notice, or maybe they already know about this shit show and are hoping to get their payout before the shit REALLY hits the fan.............s
The subheading was literally "Your [my emphasis] tax dollars at work". No, it wasn't my taxes, nor dollars at work.
It was somewhat of a dig at the "Americanisation" of The Register- a UK-based publication that for most of its life presented itself as such and aimed itself primarily at that audience. However, in the past few years- and especially the past couple or so- they've clearly made a conscious decision to aim primarily at US-by-default audience and perspective and present themselves as such.
(A bit of checking suggests that the redirection from the domain to ""- which it's safe to place as the most obvious example of the switch- happened during lockdown circa early June 2020).
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) "erroneously" posted names and other personal information belonging to more than 6,252 individuals... The data dump happened on Monday morning during a "routine" website update...
Why the quotation marks around erroneously and routine? If the author has evidence or a well founded suspicion that this was a deliberate act, then that evidence deserves to be shared.