Not reeeeeeeaaaally a price hike, unless you want to stay on a monthly cycle.
Cloudflare hikes prices by a quarter, blames the accountants
Cloudflare has announced what it claims are its first ever price rises. As of January 15, 2023, new customers for the company's Pro Plan will be charged $25 a month, up from $20. New signups for the Business Plan will be charged $250 each month, up from $200. Current customers won't cop the extra charges until May 14, 2023. …
Thursday 1st December 2022 13:20 GMT wallyhall
Agreed (re transparency). And, at the risk of sounding like a fanboi, still cheap as chips.
I voluntarily help and run a number of non-profit websites, and my advice to anyone who runs a website anywhere (where there is a tight budget involved) - use Cloudflare. Just do it.
Even their free tier is remarkable, it’s just a no brainer in most circumstances (in my opinion - anyone reason I should change my stance?).
The Cloudflare Tunnel feature in particular, all but eradicates the need to allow direct traffic to your hosting, and the caching makes even the most underwhelming infrastructure appear fast and responsive.
For any profitable business who relies on their website being available, snappy, and secure …, 25USD a month is unlikely to be breaking the bank balance.
Thursday 1st December 2022 11:31 GMT spireite
Vendor lock-in?
Honestly, it could have been worse.
On the plus side, unlike the permanent shackles of M365 where most companies wouldn't allow it to be ripped from their cold dead hands - even if MS tripled the price - you can vote with your feet on this one.
Minus side? Price is up - but in the current environment what hasn't?
And, they are more transparent than most - so we should give kudos for that at least.
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Friday 2nd December 2022 01:10 GMT Greg Fawcett
I'm awaiting confirmation (24 hours and counting) from Cloudflare support, but it looks like this is the end of earlybird discounts too. In which case our bill will go from $45 to $140 a month, even if we pay annually.
Given we only signed up so we could provide an HTTPS interface to our Appengine apps, and Appengine has does HTTPS directly for years now, we'll be cancelling our account if we can't keep our earlybird discount.