Re: Oh dear .... that is certainly concerning and definitely disconcerting nowadays
"That's.. a pretty unique way to present armed insurrection and a coup. Around 120 dead, 2,000 injured, and 328 MPs left to vote Yanukovych out of office the day Svoboda and pals started the killings."
Now that's just untrue. Most of the dead were protesters, killed by Police snipers, riot police and Yanukovich very own paramilitaries, titushky.
"They say that in Russia, don't they. There was no civil war."
Check the page again, son. The only people calling it a civil war was Russkies, no-one else. Others could say it was just another proxy war by Russia, feeding materiel and training to those who are disillusioned with the government - those people always exist in any country.
"Correct. We invaded"
Who is you? I certainly didn't, my country didn't.
Just to annoy you even more: yes, attacking civilian infrastructure in Serbia and Ukraine is a war crime. Do you now agree that Russian troops are guilty of war crimes or are you willing to absolve both Russia and the US?
"Zelensky passed a law last year authorising that, along with taking back Crimea"
International law states that Crimea is Ukrainian soil. Only Norks and Russia depended Syria supported Russia on this. Fine company there.
I'm fully all right with Ukraine taking back what's theirs.
Now, please defend Dear Leader Putin for a change and please remind us who are the "satanists" in Ukraine. After that you could educate us all why exactly Jehovah's Witnesses are an extremist group and were banned in Russia.
"now people can see what fake news really looks like."
There was embarrassingly wrong information, so the video was redacted, and EU posted a correction.
"So we imposed sanctions that prevented aircraft moving, or companies doing business in or with Russia."
Those aircraft or companies were still owned by non-Russian entities. Sei
"There are possible legal reasons to seize assets within Russia, eg they've not paid airport fees, wages, taxes etc so property has been arrested and seized."
Man you're grasping at straws again. Russia hasn't stated the reason for their seizures. They just took something that didn't belong to them.
"The biggie is still probably figuring out a way to steal the currency reserves and other assets though because they're worth around $300bn in cash and probably the same in other assets. Investing $100bn in Ukraine to get $5-600bn back is a pretty good ROI, especially when you can give reconstruction money to friends & family, or just skim 10% as a handling fee.
Russia has already done €600B damages to Ukraine so when they war ends in Russia's defeat, they will be asked for reparations. Because the Russian kleptocracy won't probably pay a single kopek, those assets are fair game to me.