Re: Why can't people see this?
Because the problem is too big, too complex, for most people to even seen 1% of the true problem. People like simple answers to simple problems, and those don't exist here.
I'd say it's a mix of:
1. failure / inability to understand the science involved,
2. failure / inability to understand the scale needed for wind + solar + storage,
2. the fact that too many people suffer confirmation bias and can't be arsed to find factual information,
4. for those that can be arsed to look separating fact from wishful thinking from outright scam is increasingly difficult.
Plus there's often political skewing based on liberal and conservative stereotypes and / or beliefs.
I hope we could all agree that using an intermittent generating source requires a significant amount of storage to make up for periods of intermittency.
If we don't have enough storage, we need to fill the gaps with dispatchable generating capacity like gas and biofuels. Ideally not coal, though it's physically possible. Nuclear can load-follow in some cases, but it cannot be started from cold in a few seconds.
I hope we can also all agree that providing enough electricity for 8 billion people means we need truly massive generating capacity.
If that generating capacity is purely based on intermittent sources, the corresponding storage requirements are equally massive.
Lastly, can we all agree that some low-carbon sources are enegy dense, some are not. Those that are not need vast acreage of land to provide enough power, and are more suited to a distributed generating model (local generation, co-generation, whatever you want to call it).Those with a smaller footprint are more suited to centralised generating models where you can get better overall efficiency.
None of this is fast to build, nor cheap to build. It will take a long time and a lot of money to replace and upgrade all the power infrastructure and dependencies that have built up over the past 100 years.
Simply mandating "change must come" without real, viable, costed solutions that don't rely on us all going back to the stone age will not solve anything.
There is no magic bullet. No one-size-fits-all. Amyone who says there is either doesn't know what they're talking about, or is lying.