Hole in the wall
The CCP opens a hole in the wall for Cloudfare - it helps export earnings and CCP hackers need a reliable link.
Cloudflare has found a way to extend some of its services across the Great Firewall and into mainland China. "Performance and reliability for traffic flows across the mainland China border have been a consistent challenge for IT teams within multinational organizations," wrote product managers Kyle Krum and Annika Garbers. " …
Sounds very much like the communist party is taking a leaf out of the CDN playbook and have started offering a private on network instance of the great firewall to those willing to cooperate. Cloudflare are probably the number one non-domestic traffic destination, so a good place to start.
Given the problems Cloudfare caused me in the past, possibly due to websites being not confugured properly (and not cloudfare per se I admit), I can only wish that China does not suddenlly find customers outside China cannot do any business with the world inside the Greal IT wall of China.
Unfortunately this article is fairly useless as it fails to specify whether to make content available in China with this new cloudflare agreement needs the usual ICP licence. There are plenty of CDN providers that have reach into China, including Cloudflare even before this 'announcement'. The main issue for most is whether it's worth the effort and hoop jumping to get and probably more importantly maintain an ICP licence.