back to article Criminals use trending TikTok challenge to make data-stealing malware invisible

Malware-slinging miscreants are taking advantage of a trending TikTok challenge — and viewers' dirty minds — to spread data-stealing malware via a phony app that's had more than one million views so far. The new TikTok trend is called Invisible Challenge, and it involves a person filming themself naked while using an effect …

  1. VoiceOfTruth

    What kind of neo-narcissism is this?

    -> a person filming themself naked while using an effect called Invisible Body that removes the body from the video

    A head with a blurred body. People actually do this.

    1. fidodogbreath

      Re: What kind of neo-narcissism is this?

      I suppose this is better than TikTok's GTA Meatspace Edition "challenge."

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Mining the minds of minors

    It's also a cautionary tale to users to be mindful of how much access TikTok has to their data and devices minds and trust, McElroy said.

    Because it is not actually the Tik Tok App surreptitiously doing something, it is Tik Tok videos persuading people to download malware from Github.

    That's psychological "command and control" mind penetration..

    1. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

      Re: Mining the minds of minors

      "be mindful of how much access TikTok has to their data and devices"

      There's an app for that.

  3. Dinanziame Silver badge

    Scamming the dishonest

    Reminds me of the YouTube videos that claimed you could steal your friends' World of Warcraft accounts by sending your own account username and password to

    1. 43300 Silver badge

      Re: Scamming the dishonest

      And people were actually daft enough to do that?

      Sorry, stupid queston - of course there would be people that daft!

  4. sitta_europea Silver badge

    "...Don't download unknown apps even if they promise naked people..."

    Don't download unknown apps *especially* if they promise naked people...


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