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Where are you Greg?
How does AWS develop software? It is all about small teams, according to a low-key but revealing session at the re:Invent conference under way in Las Vegas. Under the title "Amazon's DevOps culture," Leo Zhadanovsky, who is Chief Technologist, Education, and Alyssa Lee, Customer Success Lead for AI and ML, described what the …
I wouldn't have said inconsistent, what's a good word for "sorta all over the place"?
"Scattered", maybe. I dunno.
To be fair, I don't use AWS often enough to have developed finger memory, I suppose; but it seems like every time I need to get into the EC2 dashboard it's a scavenger hunt finding the thing. Then I have to remember which AZ I need to be pointed at, because the ui doesn't always remember my default or something. And finally I can mess around with whatever instance I care about at that moment.
I appreciate EC2 for the ability to run off-prem VM's when I need to, but I don't love needing to.
... I can add about the hell-hole that is working there, most of the article about development is true - specifically about the stringency and automation. I learned a lot there that I still adopt today in that regard.
With one notable exception: the builder tools. Oh by all the demons in all the hells, the builder tools. I kludgier hodge-podge of... Java? Ruby? Some unholy and unnatural marriage of the two? Jaby? Ruva? you have likely never found. My suspicion is that the guy who wrote that 40,000 line Perl script went on to create the Amazon/AWS builder tools. :'(
I have to confess, I have never really understood what the cloud peddlers mean by "serverless".
I can't get past the fact that there's *some* kit, somewhere in the vast rows of AWS datacenters, behind everything they do. I get that they don't literally mean "it's clouds all the way down" (though sometimes I wonder if their marketing folks grok that), but my metal-in-the-machine-room mindset doesn't know what they do actually mean.
Cloud product terminology makes my head hurt sometimes. It took a while before I got used to saying "instance" instead of "VM" ....