back to article US bans Chinese telecoms imports – won't even consider authorizing them

The United States' Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has barred itself from authorizing the import or sale of Chinese telecoms and video surveillance products from Huawei, ZTE, Hytera Communications, Hikvision, and Dahua, on national security grounds. As it is not legal to offer such products in the US without FCC …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    …I was just watching this video, which provides context on the above.

    Note that the video is from April 2022, but nevertheless.

    NB: I used to bother HTML linking URLs, but nowadays double left click, right click, open in new tab does the trick. At least Firefox will detect HTTP URLs whether they're linked or not.

    1. deevee

      Re: Coincidentally…

      While the guy is correct about the intent, his definition of a backdoor is totally wrong. Backdoor's ARE created deliberately, and the US government demand US suppliers put them in US equipment so the US government can spy on everyone.

      The Chinese equipment had "bugs" (not backdoors) that allowed remote access to anyone who knew how to exploit them. But as he says, the interface still needs to be exposed to the internet to be accessed remotely, and this is extremely unlikely to occur in normal use anyway.

      Two totally different things.

      The US policy is purely and simply designed to allow them to keep spying with "approved" US sanctioned equipment, using the backdoors THEY demanded exist.

      Bad luck for the US consumers, who now end up with expensive, old tech, with US spy agency sanctioned backdoors.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Coincidentally…

        The US policy is purely and simply designed to allow them to keep spying with "approved" US sanctioned equipment, using the backdoors THEY demanded exist.

        Bad luck for the US consumers, who now end up with expensive, old tech, with US spy agency sanctioned backdoors.

        Yup, and there's more. Let's not forget that this also conveniently helps US companies catch up in a market where they are rather behind, the Huawei 5G affair was the clearest and most blatant example of that (especially if you keep in mind that so far, Huawei is the only one that had their firmware properly screened, and it was found NOT to conatin backdoors by people who know what they're doing such as GCHQ). Basically, it is a clear acknowledgement that the US industry has realised it cannot competer honestly, and so the rest of the world can't have nice things either.

        Back to the US intercept efforts, add to that the likes of Google, Adobe, Facebook and Microsoft and the US seems to again to be trying the 2003 TIA strategy they were trying to shove down everyone's throat before, with the difference that people now even volunteer data just to get their (a)social media for free. Honestly, I'm waiting for clipper chip v2.

        Thank God that idiot Musk is at least busy ruining one of those channels.

        1. ThatOne Silver badge

          Re: Coincidentally…

          > it is a clear acknowledgement that the US industry has realised it cannot competer honestly

          Or just can't be bothered to try. What do we spend all those lobbying millions for after all, if not to make sure our shitty, cheap, outdated technology still finds enough suckers buyers?

          Never forget Reacher Gilt's wise words: "The important thing is not to offer the best service, but to offer the only one...

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Coincidentally…

        Lots of counties probably mandate ways to do lawfully authorized telecom intercepts, if that is what you are talking about. For the difference between the US and China, if some representative of the US government asked a company to do something, they can say "NO" and possibly win on the issue. If that happens in China, if you say "NO", you just might get tossed of the company HQ roof.

        It is not an ideal world by any imagination, but I'll take the dragons I have some control over versus those I don't.

        1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

          Re: they can say "NO" and possibly win on the issue

          I take it you've never heard of National Security letters ?

          Read up.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Coincidentally…

        > While the guy is correct about the intent, his definition of a backdoor is totally wrong.

        You're technically right. IMO you're also splitting hairs.

    2. Teejay

      Re: Coincidentally…

      Bad, incorrect, misleading video. It pretends like backdoors are accidental. Also, it is very probable the US agencies know more than they openly say. I do not believe the US are better in other countries, however.

  2. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Rampant Raging Dementia. A Terminal Case for Suitable Treatment ....

    ...... and Textbook Example in All ITs Sad Illustrative Glory

    Uncle Sam, after shooting off both of its feet, now considers exercising some shots to the head to see if that helps with the surrounding enveloping madness. Not a real genius masterplan that from a depleted and bankrupt of novel almighty and ingenious proprietary intellectual property mind/addled brain. What can possibly go wrong? What can possibly go right? Too many unknowns which all know lead nowhere good and fit and proper for a healthy living existence.

    And the media just love telling us all those tales. Where would we all be without them and all of their help? We thank you for your sterling stirling service?

    The Wannabe King is Dead, Long Live the King ... and now with all due regard to Futures and ITs Derivatives to Market, a Course, a Course, My Kingdom for Fabulous New Courses is what you need to be thinking to makes great sense of all that is guaranteed to surely follow and change everything beyond anything never ever before even imagined remotely possible!

    And if you think that terrible and terrifying and requiring corrective alternative negative action, imagine yourself to be the enemy destined for total annihilation and absolute destruction for that would be your chosen role and worthy fate.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Rampant Raging Dementia. A Terminal Case for Suitable Treatment ....

      OK, I could parse this one - and I agree..

  3. b0llchit Silver badge
    Big Brother

    WiFi chips

    My guess is that they also should ban all Chinese WiFi chips. Especially the ESPxx range of devices(*). These must be problematic for all US interests as they provide services for many of the internet of (shitty) things. If it isn't the possibility of data leaks, then it must be the security issues these things provide. But most importantly, the US may then produce its own WiFi chip-device at an even better pricing point than you could imagine. Or is it that the US already has a back door into TSMC manufactured chips? Never dismiss a good conspiracy theory when the possibility provides itself.

    These chips are manufactured by TSMC, but designed by the Shanghai company Espressif Systems.

  4. david 12 Silver badge

    "require applicants to have a US-based agent."

    Smiled at that one. We got hit by a similar requirement in Australia. "But we don't have an import agent: the equipment is manufactured here!" Oh. Ok. Hmmm. Ok, we will approve based on your business ID where the form says "import agent" .

  5. JoeCool Silver badge

    Downvotes for all!

    A lot of people seem to be making the argument that the US government being a surveillance nightmare somehow justifies or excuses allowing the Chinese government to do the same. Total nonsense. There is a difference in governance between "totalitarian communist regime" and "deeply flawed democracy".

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Downvotes for all!

      The "reasoning" behind the politics is irrelevant, and is nothing more than buzz words used to rile up "the base." The fact of the matter is the US has and continues to degrade into a worse example of a full-on totalitarian police state with dozens if not hundreds of people killed by officers without due process, government overreach and intrusion, and a government that is far more concerned about military and police budgets than anything like education or social services for the people instead of the corporations.

      You can "rah-rah" all you like as an American, but you look like a fool to anyone observing the US that doesn't buy into the rah-rah bullshit.

    2. martinusher Silver badge

      Re: Downvotes for all!

      >"totalitarian communist regime" and "deeply flawed democracy"

      Enlighten us. Bear in mind that when we took the 'communist' out of Russia (nearly destroying the place in the process) it didn't really change much, probably because what we were told was 'communist' was really 'Russian'. China has its own cultural characteristics, some good, some bad. Its communism was born out of western colonialism, nurtured by the Cold War and allowed to flourish because it would never occur to us sophisticated western types that they are smart enough to beat us at our own game -- we saw resources to exploit, cheap labor, raw materials and thought we could colonize the place again with our banks and 'financial services'. They played us and we're very annoyed about it. Taking the 'communist' out of Chinese society won't change anything; China will still be China. We have to learn to live with it and compete with it. This will require us to change, to drop the primacy of our our 'markets' and invest long term in our people and the country (....just like they have).

      1. Trigun

        Re: Downvotes for all!

        I agree with much of what you say.

        With regards China & communism: I actually think taking communiusm (or whatever it has morphed into now) out of China would be worse from a trade angle for the west. This is because one of the big restraining elements is the CCP itself. They've gone from a stance of free trade and being neutral-to-friendly with the west, pretending to be non-challenging (which carried them to being the behemoth that they are now), to bouncing back towards what Mao had in mind. They (the CCP, not the chinese people) now value control, nationalism and political ideology over trade, although they're not stupid enough to allow trade to die. Their shift in gears started back in 2014/2015 from what I can determine, and happened a few years after Xi Jinping gained power.

      2. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        An Inconvenient Truth the Western Capitalist System Tries to Avoid Addressing and Talking About

        because it would never occur to us sophisticated western types that they are smart enough to beat us at our own game -- we saw resources to exploit, cheap labor, raw materials and thought we could colonize the place again with our banks and 'financial services'. They played us and we're very annoyed about it. .... We have to learn to live with it and compete with it. This will require us to change, to drop the primacy of our our 'markets' and invest long term in our people and the country ..... martinusher

        Quite so, martinusher, well said. Bravo.

        And there are all of the problems for the West which the West are showing no signs of resolving and fixing with any vital necessary changes to politically incorrect and inept geopolitical policies and ponzi supported global market conditions/fanciful fake exported and imported stock and trade valuations in support of American Dream Narratives, paper dollar financed of course by the Federal Reserve Magic Money Tree and conspiring Global Central Banking Systems and the bottomless pits of Exponentially Expanding Nation Debt and Deficits Spending.

  6. Yes Me Silver badge

    This is war

    This is technically 100% bogus - as others have pointed out, US and other Western products are probably more dangerous from a spying, surveillance and privacy point of view.

    This move is simply an act of trade war. Biden has decided to continue the trade war that tRump started. It may be slightly expedient politically, but it's a strategic blunder economically and flies in the face of free and fair competition, which I understand to be the bastion of capitalist democracies. The WTO and the OECD should react violently against this travesty of free trade.

    I have to congratulate Cisco and the rest on their superb lobbying skills in and around the Washington, D.C., beltway. They have purveyed their lies and obfuscations about Huawei etc. very successfully.

  7. mattcobb

    What about "US" products assembled in China

    With nation state level hackers at play, what's to stop China from polluting electronics manufactured in China for US designers?

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