Re: Shortsighted oversight :/
Point of order, guv.
You point stands, but it's not if there are 10,000 users. But are those 10,000 users going to pay? I recall a study that suggested that the Apple ecosystem is so powerfull it generates money, a lot/enormous/huge $$$$ for Apple, but also there is still some for devs and other members of the eco system. If it's Andriod, well, all the money stays with Google. Handset manufacturers make pennies and devs, not a brass razoo.
Andriod handsets are cheaper, simply because there are so many more manufacturers competing. But cheap attracts cheap. Very few users pay for the apps. So, the major revenue stream is ads. And who sells the ads on the platform? (Clue, starts with a G).
Apple, well, if you're not poor (hackers aside), you don't buy Andriod, you buy Apple. And it's priced accordingly. Slightly (trivially?) more people pay for apps in the eco system, but it's 99% ads all the way.
1 billion users doesn't mean anything if there isn't a revenue stream attached.