paid for by the public to deliver a public good
I feel like a Putin's troll by saying this, but I have an impression that the idea or rather, the result of health services, 'paid for by the public to deliver a public good', looks currently, overall, like a badly leaking ship, and not only in the UK, but in a few other European countries I care to... track, all of them considered 1st world, no Dustystans and such ‘funny places’. Likewise other public services, education, housing, public transport (fine, public transport is anything but - the name). Or is it that these 'free' services have always an unplanned love child you have to live with, you didn't abort, now can't just kill it off cause like, humanity and stuff, and if we can't have real communism, how about a few bits to make us feel we’ve made some progress since mid-1880s? But then, life's tough, another economic disaster after the one of 2009, how time flies, and we're 'only' trying to recoup our lifelong costs by extracting some blood from the poor nhs cripple, no harm done, and bone marrow, poor thing, can't walk anyway, and you know, every little helps, what’s wrong with some data, no harm done, all for scientific progress, eternal health, etc., and you know how much it costs to employ those boffins, eh?
I just have an impression that since I started paying attention (around 1990, I guess), every sector of these public services in these countries, including in the UK, has been in regular / permanent / deep / fundamental / structural / existential downfall. Have they always been poor and stay poor, i.e. firmly stuck at the bottom, rusting quietly, or do they really dig into the bedrock trying to prove the bottom is where we decide it is? Or are our expectations just higher, or maybe too high? Since, clearly, a 1st world country can't find enough revenue to cover the expenditure of those - apparently - essential - public services?
OK, end of rant, time to collect my 5 roubles' worth, today's sponsor is a bargain-basement Iranian-designed, Zhejiang-assembled, flak jacket maker Thunderfuck.