back to article White dwarf study suggests planets are as old as their stars

Astronomers have long known how planets form, but the when of it has always been unclear. If a Cambridge University team's conclusion from a study of white dwarf stars proves correct, that question has been answered. The debate is essentially over whether stars formed first, with planets following millions of years later, or …

  1. deadlockvictim

    Heavy elements

    Article» So-called polluted white dwarfs contain lots of heavy elements – like magnesium, iron and calcium

    Are calcium & magnesium heavy elements or is everything in space that isn't hydrogen heavy?

    1. ThatOne Silver badge

      Re: Heavy elements

      The latter of course. Everything beyond hydrogen and Helium is considered "heavy metal". *bangs head*

      1. Potemkine! Silver badge

        Re: Heavy elements


















        Those bloody extra lines ruin the effect... original here:

        == Bring us Dabbsy back! ==

      2. G.Y.

        Re: Heavy elements

        "metal", not "heavy metal", e.g.oxygen

  2. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    short-lived Aluminum isotope

    Ah! I'm not using the right sort of aluminium foil for my hat!

    <checks out eBay> Hmm, not available, obviously a conspiracy, then.

    1. nematoad Silver badge

      Re: short-lived Aluminum isotope

      Upvote for being able to spell aluminium.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: short-lived Aluminum isotope

        And another for knowing how to STOP spelling it!

    2. Wellyboot Silver badge

      Re: short-lived Aluminum isotope

      Radioactive tinfoil - ideal for melting conspiracy nutjob brains :0)

  3. Mike 137 Silver badge

    "The debate is essentially over ..."

    In real science, the debate is never essentially over -- only in politicised science and journalistic summaries of science.

    Science is a continuous process of refining theories that seem to approximately explain observed phenomena, Both the explanations and the observations are permanently subject to revision as new discoveries are made.

    1. call-me-mark

      Re: "The debate is essentially over ..."

      Well not exactly. I doubt there's anyone still promoting phlogiston theory for example.

    2. OAB

      Re: "The debate is essentially over ..."

      That's not saying the debate is over, it saying what the debate is about.

      1. Version 1.0 Silver badge

        Re: "The debate is essentially over ..."

        The debate is over, we no longer believe since 1615 that our planet is the center of the universe and the orbit of all heavenly bodies, so Galileo is happy now.

        1. Mike 137 Silver badge

          Re: "The debate is essentially over ..."

          "we no longer believe since 1615 that our planet is the center of the universe and the orbit of all heavenly bodies"

          We no longer believe that precisely because our theory of the solar system's topology has been refined by successive improvements in observational detail. Phlogiston theory and Earth-centric universe are merely stages in the evolution of theories in physics, that get superseded as new information is taken into account. Particle physics is another example of continuously evolving theory. We might for example one day find out that particles and waves don't actually exist but are merely metaphors for a unifying something that's currently beyond our understanding. Until we become certain that we understand any phenomenon totally and we're right in being certain of that, the science of that phenomenon is never going to be done and dusted. But in reality we'll never be that certain, so the legitimate debate is never over.

          1. call-me-mark

            Re: "The debate is essentially over ..."

            I still don't think you're quite right. The legitimate debate over phlogiston is over. It doesn't exist. There is no substance of negative mass that comes off things as they burn.

  4. Randy Hudson

    “Planets have to have formed early”

    TIL a new verb tense

  5. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    So if you were a *really* large civilisation....

    These would be the place you'd be minining for resources.....?

    Mine will be the one with a Stehen Baxter eBook in the pocket.

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