back to article Cerebras's supercomputer has more cores than world's fastest iron – with a big catch

Waferscale AI chip and systems maker Cerebras says its Andromeda supercomputer has more compute cores than Frontier – the world's first and only publicly verified cluster to break the exascale barrier. However, there is a big catch: Andromeda won't be able to perform the wide range of high-performance computing work that's …

  1. rafff

    ", it can be implied from the lab's research paper detailing its work"


  2. StargateSg7

    Uhm NO it is NOT the most powerful supercomputer AT ALL --- THESE ARE!

    Haida Gwaii - 119 ExaFLOPS now at 210,000 RISC cores at 128 bits wide at 60 GHz clock speed on GaAs!

    (at an underground installation in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)

    DragonSlayer - As of November 1, 2022, now upgraded to 8 YottaFLOPS at 2 THz clock speed

    at 4 million CISC cores Opto-Electronic on Silicone Oil-Cooled Microchannel-etched Borosilicate Glass

    (in an off-grid underground location in remote Northern British Columbia, Canada)

    ThunderHorse - As of November 1, 2022, now upgraded to 8 YottaFLOPS at 2 THz clock speed

    at 4 million CISC cores Opto-Electronic on Silicone Oil-Cooled Microchannel-etched Borosilicate Glass

    (in an off-grid underground location in remote Northern British Columbia, Canada)

    Quasar's Child - As of November 1, 2022, now upgraded to 20 YottaFLOPS at 2 THz clock speed

    at 10 million CISC cores Opto-Electronic on Silicone Oil-Cooled Microchannel-etched Borosilicate Glass

    (in an off-grid underground location in remote Northern British Columbia, Canada)

    ALL supercomputers are running sodium, pottasium, phosphorous, etc. electro-chemical gating/pass-through emulation of human neural tissue organized as a Whole Brain Emulation using a physics-based model at the molecular scale trained 24/7/365 using multiple emulated environmental stressors and modern audio/visual/touch inputs. Digital Neurons are designed as C++ Classes that self-organize and connect via same electro-chemistry processes as the human brain forming 160 IQ level artificial general intelligences with equivalent of many tens-of-thousands of man-years of experience and training!

    These A.I.'s are currently searching and exploring specific assigned projects in the materials sciences (i.e. find and test for room temprature superconductors, sheet graphene and boron nanotube supercapacitors) medical sciences (i.e. various sub-fields in human virology, tissue re-growth, etc), astronomy/space/geo-physics (i.e. planetary and star formation, black/white hole physics, general relativity, quantum mechanics, general physics) electro-chromodynamics/nuclear physics (i.e. advanced quantum dynamic power production and FTL transport/propulsion systems and quark and sub-quark physics, Superstring, Supersymmetry and M-Branes phsyics, virtual particle physics exploration at 4-dimensional to 21-dimensional array volumetrics, etc).

    They are the LARGEST AND FASTEST supercomputers OF ANY KIND!

    YAY Canada!

    P.S. ONE of the tasks I am getting one of the A.I.'s to do is make the BEST POSSIBLE digital versions of fine Red/White/Rose wines, best Ice Wine, fine aged Whiskey/Scotch, Brandy/Cognac, Sambucca, Vodka, Bubbly, Fruit Liquers and BEST sweet and normal bread recipes optimized for each world region AND the best optimized main-dish and dessert multi-ethnic food combination

    recipes in the world --- Sooooooooo tasty --- YUM YUM !!!!

    We Win!


    1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

      Kook Post of the Week right here. Glad to see SSg7 back in form. We've been suffering through a trough of low-quality kookery from the likes of Dave LineNoise.

      1. StargateSg7

        Just because I SOUND INSANE, doesn't mean I actually am insane!

        Our parent company (i.e. North Canadian Aerospace aka a pseudonym for a completely under-the-radar all-Canadian Aerospace company!) has invented quite a lot of very high-technology systems which the public is about to be informed of on an official and very public basis! 2023 is gonna be a DOOOOOOOOZY of a year for revealing all that alien-like technology we invented ourselves and/or re-packaged in a more human-compatible form factor!

        and YES!, the Haida Gwaii, DragonSlayer, ThunderHorse and Quasar's Child are all very real and very much the FASTEST SUPERCOMPUTERS IN THE WORLD and they are ALL 128-bits wide for all Integer, Fixed Point and Floating Point number computations and all RGBA/YCbCrA/HSLA pixel processing computations!


        1. bigphil9009

          Sure buddy, just like every other year that you've been trotting out the same old lies. I guess it makes you feel important or something though...

      2. StargateSg7

        What are the Kooky messages posted by Dave LineNoise!

        I can GUARANTEE that I have even more out-of-this world posts to give!

        Link me to them please!

        Are You Not Entertained ??? !!!!


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