Put a fricken employment poll on every article, make it pointless, make them all them same, pester your followers they're just a burden anyway.Where the hell is Dabsey?
Canonical is working on a new training and skills-testing scheme, currently codenamed CUE, to help people without formal certifications to show that they've got what it takes. In a talk titled The Problem of "Street Cred" at this week's Ubuntu Summit in Prague, Adrianna Frick from Canonical's credentials and curriculum team …
-> the syllabuses often include lots of irrelevant or obsolete material
I like the idea and definitely learned more by practice over the years than any courses or course books have taught me. One thing though: if this is Ubuntu only it is problematic because it is the UNIX wars all over again. Ubuntu is not the same as Redhat. Ubuntu (semi-)certified vs Redhat. Which to choose?
Canonical claimed a profit of $175 million in 2021 and Shuttleworth expects to do an IPO in 2023.
Then " .... biggest concern ... is to find the balance between preserving what I think people really love about Ubuntu and Canonical and also continuing to step up to the responsibilities that I think we now have in the global tech market".
Is Shuttleworth going to retain a controlling portion? Otherwise, his concerns might not be important - he might not even be CEO any more.