back to article Parody Elon Musk Twitter accounts will be suspended immediately, says Elon Musk

Elon Musk, the self-affirmed bastion of free speech, says that anyone setting up a parody Twitter account that isn’t marked as such will be permanently banned from the social network. Going forward, any Twitter handles engaging in impersonation without clearly specifying “parody” will be permanently suspended — Elon Musk (@ …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I've managed without Twitter this far

    don't see why that needs to change.

    That's not 100% true actually (the irony). But as it's become a puff place for brands, rather then actually solving anything, I've managed without Twitter so far ...

    1. chivo243 Silver badge

      Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

      I've been there a couple of times by accidentally clicking a link I thought was to another article... not the twat 0' sphere.

    2. iron

      Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

      I've managed without Twitter, Facebook, Insta, Tikkety Tok, MySpace, Beebo or any other parasitic so called social media sites ever.

      They are not necessary.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

        What about pornhub ?

        1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

          Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

          No need. Musk will be desperate for money and launch the

          Twitter Blue [Movie] service

          1. Roland6 Silver badge

            Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

            >Twitter Blue [Movie] service

            So lots of video's of rocket launches, some climaxing in unexpected explosions...

            1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

              Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

              Maybe even a joint venture/co-production with Blue Origin and their phallic New Shepard

        2. The Dogs Meevonks Silver badge

          Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

          The last date I went on a few years ago (not the current partner) asked me ' how long I took to masturbate.

          I replied between 1-2hrs.

          She was shocked... and kinda speechless right up the point I finished the sentence.

          'Because it can take that long to find the right bit of porn'

          She didn't get the joke... and I didn't ask for a 2nd date.

          I'll be honest... ease of access to internet porn has kinda ruined my enjoyment of porn.

      2. Marty McFly Silver badge

        Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

        Agreed. I fail to see what all the fuss is about. Everyone is reacting like a junkie with forced withdrawal of their favorite drug.

        Oh, wait. Yeah, that's right. Social Media is a drug. No wonder the masses are freaking out.

        1. Version 1.0 Silver badge
          Thumb Up

          Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

          Social Media is more like malware, harvesting the masses and making money selling them. If Social Media was just a drug then I wouldn't take it, I'd not complain about it, but it would be more like swallowing nicotine, not smoking it. I never liked just smoking nicotine when I was a kid but it was easy to make it enjoyable when you rolled your own and added a little improvement (OK, so the seeds popped sometimes).

          1. The Dogs Meevonks Silver badge

            Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

            I always preferred resins, found them more mellow and easier to use

        2. logicalextreme

          Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

          Drugs are objectively more fun than social media.

        3. Martin-73 Silver badge

          Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

          I use twitter ... not as a drug, but as a way to contact companies in a direct, and public fashion (with my Karen hat on) when i need a grievance fixed. Musk is destroying the platform for others, but for me, it'll be business as usual. He's still the chief TWAT though

          1. Gene Cash Silver badge

            Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

            as a way to contact companies in a direct, and public fashion (with my Karen hat on) when i need a grievance fixed

            I do too. And this absolutely sucks.

            Having to DM somebody on Twitter about my lost UPS package instead of emailing someone at or going to a support page at is utterly broken.

            But it has proved the only way to get any sort of contact from someone at UPS.

            And UPS is just an example. There's at least half a dozen companies like this.

            1. ChoHag Silver badge

              Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

              Methinks you only deal with a half-dozen or so companies, yes? It is far more widespread than that.

              1. Martin-73 Silver badge
                Black Helicopters

                Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

                Indeed, could NOT get through to BT (retail), colleague was having fttp installed and openretch didn't bother showing up. BT's 150 (now 0800800150) line were terminating the calls after the 'you are in a queue' routine.. Contacted BT over the tweeter, and after mentioning the customer details... the next call went straight through to a lass in Liverpool... coinkydink?

                Icon because I don't think it was

      3. eclairz

        Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

        Isn't the comments section of this article a social media site in theory since you are socialising with others.

    3. Czrly

      Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

      Many of those "brands" are actual individual independent artists, musicians and creators – that is, they're *people*.

      Sure, there's a lot wrong with Twitter but a lot of actual people have their entire identity and profession tied up in their Twitter profile and following. Whether that was a wise move on their part is entirely irrelevant, today – it is the fact of the moment and he's trampling all over that and enabled to do so just because he is rich.

      Perhaps, n-decades down the line, this will not be the case and these artists and creators will have learned not to put their entire profile and identity in a corporate-controlled silo – we can hope – but the fact of the matter is that they stand to lose their livelihoods. As much as I am anti-big-corporation and anti-silo, I also appreciate that many of these creators would probably be doing mundane jobs just to eat if they never had that opportunity that pre-Musk Twitter afforded them and, since I follow many and enjoy their content, I'm quite angry that their chances are being erroded.

      1. Youngone

        Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

        If you're an independent artist or musician and Twitter has your entire identity you've made a very poor business decision.

        With Facebook and Snapchat and whatever else available I can't see it being too hard to transfer their entire identity to another voracious corporation.

      2. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

        Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

        "artists and creators will have learned not to put their entire profile and identity in a corporate-controlled silo"

        I suspect they won't learn that. If not Twitter, they will choose some other corporate-controlled silo... because they need the network effect to get a decent number of followers. It doesn't affect me, though. I don't follow anybody, nor do I want anybody to follow me (not that anybody wants to do that).

      3. BrownishMonstr

        Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

        I find it quite annoying.

        My wife and I both quit facebook some time ago, but she had to sign up to get those not-so-relevant-but-nice-to-know updates from our child's school.

    4. tfewster

      Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

      It seems that using social media is the only way to contact many companies these days - If you call them out for their shoddy service and lack of contact details publicly, they'll soon be in touch to fix the issue protect their reputation.

      Unfortunately you have to descend to their level to do so.

      1. The Dogs Meevonks Silver badge

        Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

        Unless they are Eon or The AA... who I've been calling utterly incompetent for the last 6 weeks over their failure to do simple things... as well as ignoring complaints.

        If Eon haven't sorted it by next week... it's getting submitted to the regulator... they're no better than thieving scum who are literally trying to steal from us after they screwed up and have admitted it was their mistake.

        1. Martin-73 Silver badge

          Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

          Yes, there are some companies that use twitter only to advertise, and don't respond. Others have a social media team that are more on the ball than actual customer disservices

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

      God it's so dull, every article about Twitter (of which there are a lot at the moment!) someone instantly feels they have to smugly announce that they don't use it and never have. I mean, congrats and all, but do you want a medal or something?

      I find Twitter very useful, I follow all sorts of interesting people that post stuff I'm into. Software developers, artists, cartoonists, musicians, and yes even some political journalists. It's a good way learn about and discover stuff. For a lot of independent artists it's a big way to get their name out there, and Elon Musk destroying Twitter it will be a big deal for them as there is no obvious replacement for everyone to migrate to.

      So just because *you* don't use it, doesn't mean that it's all cat photos and trolls.

      1. Snake Silver badge

        Re: photos and trolls

        "So just because *you* don't use it, doesn't mean that it's all cat photos and trolls."

        You are of course correct: Twitter is all cat photos and trolls and Elon Musk.

        Oh, sorry, I repeated myself there.

        So Twitter still isn't worth crap.

        1. Martin-73 Silver badge

          Re: photos and trolls

          BUT CAT PHOTOS

      2. Jonathan Richards 1
        Thumb Up

        Re: I've (also) managed without Twitter this far

        > do you want a medal or something?

        Yes, please, if that can be arranged?

        1. NiceCuppaTea

          Re: I've (also) managed without Twitter this far

          Dont be greedy, you already have a silver badge

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: I've (also) managed without Twitter this far


            We don' need no steenkin' badges!

    6. steviebuk Silver badge

      Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

      Only reason for Twitter and the only reason I'm on it (hardly use it) is for @WHS_carpets. If in the UK, its quite interesting:

    7. JimboSmith

      Re: I've managed without Twitter this far

      I read because it’s

      a) a parody account and says so prominently.

      b) it should be obvious it’s a parody account from the content of the tweets

      c) some of the comments from people who don’t understand it’s a parody account are very funny. These are usually retweeted.

  2. wolfetone Silver badge

    "Freedom of speech won't recoup my money" - Musk

    1. Caver_Dave Silver badge

      He spent a lot of money 'proving' that he can call anyone a "Pedo" without any proof, and now he's suddenly all against free speech.

      1. chivo243 Silver badge
        Big Brother

        I think the speech he was referring to was his own anointed words, and not using his likeness to say the un-anointed thought.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        some people are freer than others?

      3. Martin-73 Silver badge

        if you call someone a pedophile, don't you NEED proof that they like feet?

    2. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

      "Freedom of speech won't recoup my money" - Musk

      # Some of you are going to die,

      # Martyrs of course to the freedom I shall provide

      (Genesis: The Knife. 1970..)

  3. nematoad Silver badge


    This is no laughing matter, says very stable genius

    Damn, I read that just as I took a mouthful of tea.

  4. James O'Shea Silver badge

    Free Speech!

    Right up until everyone's fav Bond villain is the butt of the joke. Then it ain't so free no more. Yo! Elon! Go find a white Persian cat and a hollowed-out volcano!

    1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      Re: Free Speech!

      Go find a white Persian cat and a hollowed-out volcano!

      He's long had his eyes on Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the system. Why else would he want to go to Mars?

      Cat though? No sane cat would want to be involved.

      1. Jim Mitchell

        Re: Free Speech!

        Cat though? No sane cat would want to be involved.

        The problem here is that lots of cats are crazy. (As a cat owner I can say this)

        1. jake Silver badge

          Re: Free Speech!

          Cats aren't crazy, but they can make insane people think they are with their feline logic.

        2. EVP

          Re: Free Speech!

          ”The problem here is that lots of cats are crazy.”

          But not that crazy, though.

        3. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

          Re: Free Speech!

          The problem here is that lots of cats are crazy

          But none of the owners. Oh no sir!

          <Looks at nym>

          Oh dear..

      2. jake Silver badge

        Re: Free Speech!

        Olympus Mons is not an island. No point in having a lair if it's not on an island.

        I am honestly surprised that none of the SillyConValleytwatselite has bought Red Rock Island yet ... Last I heard, Red Rock was still for sale, probably. If you have to ask, you can't afford it ... but I have it on good authority that $10million cash will take it.

        Look for it a couple hundred yards south of the Richmond-San Rafael bridge, about 10 kilometers north-east of the rather exclusive Tiberon. I have absolutely no idea why none of the rich buggers from SillyConValley have purchased it as an exclusive retreat, gawd/ess knows they have the loot to work around it's issues ... Primarily lack of fresh water, and the need to manage grey and black water. (It is also the point where Marin, San Francisco and Contra Costa Counties meet, potentially making building rules and regs a nightmare. Paying off a couple politicians should smooth that out, though. What good is money if you can't spend it?),-122.4274993,15z

        Just 40ish miles SouthEast across the water to what's left of Palo Alto Harbo(u)r, can do that in under half an hour in a fast boat. From there, it's not ten minutes by bike (gas, electric or pedal) from Facebork or Alphagoo.

        No, I'm not joking, and no, I don't have a stake in it.

        1. PRR Silver badge

          Re: Free Speech!

          > Red_Rock_Island Just 40ish miles SouthEast across the water to what's left of Palo Alto Harbo(u)r,

          And 1550 feet (500m) off a major highway (Richmond Bridge), 330 feet (100m) off the nominal paths of several ferries, probably fog-tooting stinky Diesels. Hemmed in between long-shots of San Quentin and the old Standard Oil refinery (so, a good neighborhood).

          6 acres is hardly more than I own (mine is not water-view). And it is all vertical. You'd have to go indoors to play golf.

          The waste-water problem is no worse than the ferries, which have more people every day. I'm sure they have holding tanks and empty them at a potty-service facility (or overboard when nobody is looking...).

          The average mega-millions fiend could buy-off the ferries and convert to electric, replace fog-horns with radar and super-BlueTooth and self-insurance. But moving 5+ miles of 6-lane (2+1 up, 2+1 down) viaduct could be more cash than even Warren Buffet could find in his sofa. And Warren won't live forever, while CalTran projects can.

          OK, I'm calling my agent.....

          1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

            Re: Free Speech!

            And it is all vertical. You'd have to go indoors to play golf.

            A certain extremely rich personTwit would just set up a new company to produce artificial gravity generators. Partially financed by selling helium filled clothing to the gullible.

        2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Free Speech!

          "Olympus Mons is not an island. No point in having a lair if it's not on an island."

          From an Earthbound point of view, it's an island in the sky. One which far fewer people could access than any terrestrial island in the seas of Earth :-)

          1. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

            Re: Free Speech!

            A lair doesn't have to be on an island. It just has to be photogenically difficult for James Bond to get there.

      3. Version 1.0 Silver badge

        Re: Free Speech!

        Magical Mister Mistoffelees would fix any problems that people see.

    2. Vulch

      Re: Free Speech!

      Ten years ago...

    3. The Dogs Meevonks Silver badge

      Re: Free Speech!

      Muskrat is not a Bond villain... they had a plan and the ability to carry that plan to fruition... they didn't rely on other people to come up with ideas and then steal them and market them as their own.

      He's more like one of those B-movie type villains from a kids movie... one that's so inept he gets beaten by a couple of 9yr olds

    4. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

      Re: Free Speech!

      Go find a white Persian cat


      My cats wish to complain about your remark. White persian cats might be overbred, ugly, simple cats, but they are still cats!

      Felis bys vikken!

      (Not that my cats speak Cornish. They prefer Welsh..)

  5. aerogems Silver badge

    Not only is this a complete 180 from the Musk of even like 2 weeks ago, it just further shows that Musk has absolutely no idea what he's doing with Twitter. He doesn't understand the business on any level. Not who the customers are, what the product is, how to sell that product to the customer... He's approaching it from the perspective of a Twitter user, which is kind of the cart leading the horse (happy coincidence on the reference to Musk offering a flight attendant a pony for sexual favors). It'll be great for a few people, right up until Twitter flames out, but for the majority of people it's going to be much worse and will likely only accelerate the problems.

    Hopefully this destroys the myth of Musk the great businessman. He got very lucky ONE TIME. That's it. People forget he was looking to flip Tesla early on, but none of the major car makers would bite and he got stuck with it, which ultimately seems to have worked out pretty well for him so far. SpaceX is based on someone else's designs, which only came about after the Russians wouldn't sell to him. Boring has been a low-grade dumpster fire making only a couple small tunnels that aren't anything like he promised and he's been pressuring women at his brain-interface company to have kids with him which is basically de facto sexual harassment in the US. He walked away from the hyperloop idea as soon as he came up with it, since no one has been able to make it work since the late 1800s when the first person came up with the concept.

    1. MrDamage Silver badge

      I don't think he understands how business works at all. He's going out of his way to piss off left-leaning people, yet those are the ones who buy his cars.

      1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

        Musk selling cars?

        He's moved on from that. His next move will be... no sales just leases and rentals. Everything on subscription and watch the money roll in. I've seen one estimate of $10,000-$15,000 per year per car.

        If your car is in an accident, it will just be written off. No surprise there as he's doing his best to make Tesla's unrepairable.

        Personally, I hope that Twitter goes belly up just as Truth Social will.

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

      3. Outski

        Oh, I don't know, most of the people I see driving Teslas are utter RW arseholes, going by their personalised number plates, one near me advertising that he's [PII redacted]

    2. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

      He has fallen into the classic trap of thinking that being lucky is the same as being talented.

      He was lucky enough to be born with rich parents, and lucky enough to start, and in most cases, buy some businesses that went on to be successful. I seriously doubt he could even correctly name all the parts that go into his high-speed milk-floats, let alone be able to design and assemble one. All the actual work is done by someone else. Like those poor saps down the emerald mines in South Africa. He's just the capital holding the whip.

      He now has such an inflated opinion of himself, by making some lucky gambles, that he thinks he can't fail. It's going to be ugly when he does, because he clearly doesn't know how to do so gracefully. That's what happens when you never tell your kids, "no".

      1. aerogems Silver badge

        I'm always reminded of a scene from Brittas Empire. Gordon's wife is talking to Laura and describes him as what would happen if your parents filled you with an unshakable sense of confidence. So much so that you think you're the administrative lubricant that keeps everything running smoothly when in actuality you're the grit that gums everything up.

      2. Outski

        Yep, think you've scored a home run but you were born on third base.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Forget two weeks ago...

      Go back and google all the times Elon changed his twitter name to troll someone. Not that stuff like that matters once whatever lives in the Texas water supply gets into your brain.

      Or do the pod people get you first and then you hear the call? I have friends in Texas that have been fine for years, but it doesn't seem to be the case for Elon and his acute case of Howard Hughes-itis. Shame, as the farther down this rabbit hole he goes, the less he will be able to do the things people don't hate him for.

      Even those that don't just hate him enough personally to quite Twitter out of spite, he's trying to force his personal vision for Twitter on a couple billion people without their consent, or seeking their input. Most of them don't seem enthused about the idea of Twitter as an 8$ a month tax to access a digital public square that is full of toxic human waste. Maybe Mozilla's investment in a social media block-list startup was prescient.

    4. Zolko Silver badge

      He got very lucky ONE TIME

      PayPal I guess

      Tesla early on, but none of the major car makers would bite and he got stuck with it, which ultimately seems to have worked out pretty well for him

      lucky a second time then

      SpaceX is based on someone else's designs, which only came about after the Russians wouldn't sell to him

      ah, a third time. that's quite a lot of luck for a looser. Let's see what excuse you'll find for the fourth time (Twitter)

    5. Naselus

      "People forget he was looking to flip Tesla early on, but none of the major car makers would bite and he got stuck with it, which ultimately seems to have worked out pretty well for him so far. "

      Given that Tesla's valuation is based far more on incels throwing money at Musk's reputation as a 'genius' than it is on anything to do with its poor business prospects, weak market position and rock-bottom status in the self-driving tech hierarchy, we'll see how well it works out for him once the very public shitshow he's making of running Twitter plays out.

  6. BillG

    This Is My Only Account

    How many times have we seen someone with a blue check-mark tweet "This is my only Twitter account. I do not have any other Twitter accounts. Anyone else claiming to be me is not me" with some adding "If you paid for something sold by a Twitter account claiming to be me, it was not me".

    Yes, this is a thing, often the same person has to tweet, then re-tweet, then re-re-tweet this using capitals when they get tweet replies accusing the blue-check of scamming them.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: This Is My Only Account

      So this is a perfect reason to up the price.

      $20 for a blue check mark, $100 for bronze, $1000 for silver and $10,000 for gold

      Then if I see a post (which I don't because like all el'reg readers I'm not on twitter) from a famous person or a global brand and it doesn't have gold I know it's a con.

      1. EarthDog

        Re: This Is My Only Account

        Money? That is so passe'. Payment in crypto currency only. I think I'll suggest it to the twit....

      2. EVP

        Re: This Is My Only Account

        El Reg could be profitable*… but where is the blue badge?

        (Don’t tell Musk, just in case.)

        * Well, what do I know about it.

      3. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

        Re: This Is My Only Account

        $10,000 for gold

        That seems expensive. If you want a gold badge, blackmail is far cheaper...

        1. jake Silver badge

          Re: This Is My Only Account

          Speaking of which ... Have there been any more gold badges issued in the last decade?[0] Or are they still internal only, plus a handful of hand-picked pets from the first day of issue? If so, what is the point of the badges in the first place?

          Do we need steenkin' badges?

          [0] November 27th, 2012, see this article and this post.

          1. that one in the corner Silver badge

            Re: This Is My Only Account

            Thing is, to get bronze & silver, commentards only have to waste their lives commenting as fast and often as they can: quantity counts (and short script can do the counting).

            After those two badges, the criteria become far more nebulous: the original 10 "have been very helpful - to us, through news tips and beta testing, for example - and to their fellow readers, through their posts".

            At Gold, it becomes about Quality, all very ineffable. Whilst complaining that the Vulture has pets may be considered thoroughly f(off)-able.

          2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

            Re: This Is My Only Account


            I don’t think they made any more gold badgers. The forums died a natural death, and only the article comments remained. I don’t think there were resources, or anything more than vague plans, for what to do with the commentards. In some ways a useful resource. I keep coming back here because of the articles, but also the often excellent posts in the comments.

            The Guardian used to have a great resource in its commentards. Though nothing close to the relaxed and mostly pleasant atmosphere round here. But it was bringing a lot of engagement and thus selling a lot of ads. However their new editor, Viner, has gone way more campaign-y, and click-baity than the Guardian ever used to be. And also the paper clearly espouses some quite extreme views on social issues compared to its readership. Particularly on gender issues. So I think comments were inconveniently against the editorial line, plus moderation is expensive for such a popular site. And now barely any articles allow comments. I wonder if the extra clicks generate much income? For either El Reg or the Grauniad?

            Is there software that mines a users' comments to try and target forum ads at them anywhere? Is there any targeted ad system anywhere online that even vaguely works as promised?

            1. jake Silver badge

              Re: This Is My Only Account

              Not sure why you equate the badges with user-generated forums ... other than in initial testing a decade ago I don't think badges gave any special privileges other than minimal HTML capability in the comments. Unless you gold-badge users still have the ability to killfile other commentards (the utility of which I question).

              The "Forums" were never more than message boards anyway, and they still exist. See ... I still keep an eye out that way, and comment when it seems like a good idea, but it's a ghost town.

              "Is there software that mines a users' comments to try and target forum ads at them anywhere?"

              Any halfway decent perl monk could whip something up fairly quickly ... although I question if any would. Most hate advertising with a passion. Especially advertising that targets a field they are interested in; chances are very, very good that (for example) I know a hell of a lot more about where to find beekeeping supplies or steam engine parts than the likes of go ogle ever will. Trying to convince me otherwise has lead me to various forms of adblocking for the useless garbage.

              "Is there any targeted ad system anywhere online that even vaguely works as promised?"

              No, that software does not exist to the best of my knowledge. As a friend put it "I just bought a new washer and dryer. I won't need to see ads for new ones for at least 35[0] years. So why am I still seeing ads for washers and dryers, two weeks later?"

              As you probably already realize, I have nothing against you gold-badgers ... have a beer :-)

              [0] Speed Queen. Check 'em out.

              1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

                Re: This Is My Only Account

                I don't think badges gave any special privileges other than minimal HTML capability in the comments. Unless you gold-badge users still have the ability to killfile other commentards (the utility of which I question).


                I think we got the edit button and the ignore list first. But I thought both were rolled out to everybody? There's a little grumpy face icon next to every username, which puts them in your ignore list.

                As you say, a singularly pointless idea. My forum mod experience is that they're for idiots to dramatically announce that they're putting their forum-rivals onto ignore! Only to then instantly reply to their next post, and all subsequent posts, with the announcement that they've specially taken them off ignore, just to answer this one heinous post with the appropriate levels of venom. All while toys go flying from various prams, and dummmies are spat.

                I have a loyalty card with a supermarket. So they literally know everything I've bought from them in the last decade. And yet, they insists on spamming me (seemingly bi-weekly) with offers for pet insurance. But not travel or home insurance - which I actually do have with someone else. I may have bought dog food once in the last decade, either when shopping for Mum during lockdown or one of the times I've dog-sat for her. But any pet that I might be feeding will long since have starved to death, on which I'm sure the insurance company would refuse to pay out. And yet they know from my address that I live in a flat - and yet can't make me offers for home contents insurance. Literally all the work is done here, and it would just take some intelligent setting up from the marketing department. Stop laughing at the back there!

                They've also failed to notice that I now shop with them once every 6 weeks to pick up a few bits that nobody else sells and have abandoned them for cheaper prices elsewhere - although the real reason was they cut a bunch of the stuff I usually bought from their range. Or at least if they did notice, they made no attempt to try and bring me back with special offers when I went from shopping there 5-6 times a month, to twice a month, to even less now. It doesn't fill me with confidence that even if you gave the ad people all the data they could possibly want, they could actually craft a sensible personalised advertising policy out of it.

                Finally, a beer seems like a very good idea. Now that the weekend is here. Cheers!

  7. John Smith 12345

    Losing $4 million a day!

    That is quite a lot of cash to burn through without any realistic growth ahead. Musk really has bought a dead donkey there.

    Besides which, Twitter is really quite 'old hat' these days and feels like the Windows 98 of social. We stopped using it last year despite being no1 in our field after looking at the stats in relation to search, and found what we had known for many years: The only real benefactors of using Twitter are Twitter in that social accounted for 7% traffic and search for 72%, but both the web and social demanded similar amounts of work time.

    But the socials' days in the limelight have waned as more people realise the con trick that has been played upon them by getting them to generate content free of charge for these social companies.

    Not sure what comes next, but the future isn't Twitter or any of the other web2.0 socials.

    1. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

      Re: Losing $4 million a day!

      At this rate, it'll only take 30 years to double his losses from buying it...

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Losing $4 million a day!

      The loss porn has only begun, and that number allows for the use of clever accounting.

      That said, Twitter has been using clever accounting for some time now, as for most of their existence their business model involved collecting piles of VC and investor money and slowly burning it a ceremonial matter. That narrative stalled as their growth peaked, and Elon rode in on the turnip truck to buy it just before the bottom fell out of both the company and the market.

      Something that he would have found out if he had done the due diligence instead of waving it.

      Doesn't really matter now, his vision for the company doesn't preclude gutting it and burning most of what's left to the ground. The cynical bet is that enough users will stay out of inertia or indifference that it will be enough to bootstrap a new company, on a new business model. He is trying to break the company and it's corporate culture so he can rebuild it in the image of how he runs his other companies. He is probably counting on the new hires over the next few years to tip the scales after the nearly 50% attrition he seems to be planning.

      What that doesn't factor in is that with this act he has become the un-spinnable villain in this story. The scale of people he will have personally offended may not actually have a historical precedent. I wonder if in two years time he can even walk down the street without people in small, normally civil, countries throwing things at him.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Losing $4 million a day!

        Guess what Elon is very well accustomed to the concept of collecting piles of VC money and then selling it to make it someone elses problem. Thats how he got rich off Zip2 and PayPal in the first place.

        1. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

          Re: Losing $4 million a day!

          Except in this case, it's someone else who has collected that VC money, and he's the rube the company been sold off to. Which demonstrates that previously he has been lucky rather than skilful.

          Oh, and minor point, when he was involved with Zip2 and Paypal, he was already rich from having parents who owned an emerald mine.

    3. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

      Re: Losing $4 million a day!

      but the future isn't Twitter or any of the other web2.0 socials

      It always amazed me that big organisation (like the BBC) are happy to put their reputation and audience participation into the hands of sociopathic organisations like Facebook and Twitter where they don't control what happens around their account..

      Yes, it would take effort and talent to build something in-house but at least you would be able to control it to ensure your message doesn't get side-tracked by some mouth breather posting racist stuff..

    4. Strahd Ivarius Silver badge

      Re: Losing $4 million a day!

      If I properly understood various pieces about the operation, before it Twitter was earning money (not much), and now it is losing money (a lot) because EM saddled it with 13 billion USD of debt...

      When I was younger, people knew how to do a profitable LBO...

  8. El Duderino


    So there already are 2 stable geniuses. I wonder if the other animals in the stable share that view.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Stable

      Ye would like to know that.

  9. The Dogs Meevonks Silver badge

    I used to use twatter

    I think I created an account about 10-11yrs ago... used it for a few weeks. Mainly to communicate with an ex who used it as her preferred platform. But I quickly grew tired of the toxicity and stopped using it around the same time I deleted my facebook account in early 2012.

    I picked it up again, briefly about 3yrs later... again to communicate with said ex... and dropped it once more shortly after.

    I again picked it up in 2018... guess why?

    But it was at a strange time, I was suffering from a medical condition that led to a B12 deficiency... which can have some quite severe side effects if not kept in check... and I wasn't keeping it in check having skipped my blood tests and boosters for about 7-8 months. I was also dealing with the recent high functioning autism diagnosis... and was a little odd and angry.

    Basically... made an arse of myself... tried to apologise and explain but ghosted... figured the ex would never speak to me again and deleted my account entirely as she was the singular reason I used it, just to catch up and check in every few yrs.

    Kinda never want to go back... but created an account recently just to tweet at a few companies who were dicking us around and ignoring complaints... looks like they ignore twitter too... So off to the regulator it is next week.

    Signed up to mastadon the other day... awaiting approval as apparantly there's been a huge influx.

    I also used diaspora about 4 or 5 yrs ago... but it never really appealed to me... was a bunch of displaced G+ people who didn't want to use facebook either... But as with all cliques.... power goes to a few peoples heads and you'd end up with people making complaints about posts where you simple stated 'I don't like cats'.. because some precious little fuckwit couldn't bear the thought of anyone having such a hideous opinion... but the crazy part of that story... was that I actually got a talking to from one of the mods/admins about it, she even stated I'd done nothing wrong but she wanted a chat.

    I used the old Stephen Fry response to people being offended...

    “It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what."

    Not used it again.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I used to use twatter

      Upvoted - I don't like cats either!

    2. heyrick Silver badge

      Re: I used to use twatter

      Upvoted - I like cats (and I'm the pet human of one), but I respect your choice not to like cats. It doesn't offend me at all. I don't like dogs. Or llamas. To each their own preference.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I used to use twatter

        I like Cats & Dogs and most animals that are considered to be 'Pets' .... humans can be more difficult to like generically :)

        Social Media of any form is a strict 'No No' !!!

      2. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

        Re: I used to use twatter

        I'm the pet human of one


        (Youngest cat would like me to say that, as far as I'm concerned, she's the only cat in the household. The other 5 cats would disagree but can't be bothered. The dogs just do as senior cat tells them)

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I used to use twatter

        And I respect you and your choice not to like dogs or llamas!

        I recently had to look after a friend's cats and house for a few days while they had to attend a funeral. I started off just not liking cats very much, but really, really not liking them at the end! (Although to be fair, think it was mutual - I tried to be nice to them, speaking to them, not moving them off the most comfortable pieces of furniture, as I was a guest in their house!) But was doing it to help out my friend.

        1. heyrick Silver badge

          Re: I used to use twatter

          Oh, cats REALLY do not like change. They probably didn't hate you so much as the fact that certain things happen in certain ways at certain times and... you just weren't it.

          One of my cats long ago used to make her disapproval of the change in time (summer time or not) quite clear. She'd turn up at the "correct" time for feeding and sit there bashing her tail on the ground for an hour. When I got home from work and got the Felix.... I had to try not to notice the death glare that was withering the flowers and making birds fall out of trees.

    3. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

      Re: I used to use twatter

      You should have said you don't like "chats". N'est-ce pas?

    4. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

      Re: I used to use twatter

      B12? Are you saying this social fiasco brought about by COVID lockdowns can be fixed with simple vitamins?

    5. heyrick Silver badge

      Re: I used to use twatter

      Someone has gone and hammered the downvote on this entire thread. Unicode 1F923!

  10. jake Silver badge




    'cept perfect me, of course. I'm special, and much more equal than anybody.

    1. Outski

      Re: Typical.

      Yes, Jake, because you're such a special snowflake ;o)

      Actually that's very t-i-c, because you're one of the most valued commentards, and if you ever found your way to Durovernum, I'd be very happy to share some of these with you.


  11. Howard Sway Silver badge

    This is no laughing matter, says very stable genius

    In other words, he thought trolling people was lots of fun, until he got a proper taste of what it's like to be on the receiving end himself.

    Didn't take long for him to offer his own personal proof that inside every loudmouthed libertarian free speech zealot there lurks a petty little authoritarian. Before the end of the year, I expect there to be more rules about what he decrees to be allowed on the site than there ever were before he took it over.

  12. Dan 55 Silver badge

    Billionaire galaxy brain kills Twitter Verified, sells blue ticks for $8 a pop...

    ... and somehow didn't work out what was going to happen next.

    Now his tremendously bigly ego has to deal with bringing back Twitter Verified somehow without admitting to it.

  13. jumblist

    I think the most important thing to keep in mind is that this whole thing is genuinely hilarious. I cannot believe that he’s managed to manoeuvre himself into such an awful position, and on so many levels at once. It is absolutely mind-blowing.

    1. heyrick Silver badge

      Allow me to point you at a briefly former British Prime a Minister called Liz Truss.

      Some people have an uncanny ability to fuck up in ways that defy belief, where the only response is to sharply inhale and mutter something along the lines of "no, (s)he couldn't possibly have..." and fail to be able to even finish the sentence.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      (checks on his investments in popcorn futures)

    3. This post has been deleted by its author

      1. Richard 12 Silver badge

        Those have physical products or services, and nearly all the challenges are technical.

        Technical problems are mostly soluble by gathering some engineers and plying them with cash and time.

        With Tesla and SpaceX, the question was whether the engineers would have enough cash and time to resolve the issues. That question has been answered for SpaceX but remains open for Tesla.

        Twitter doesn't have physical products or services, and none of the challenges are technical. Dealing with the worst of human nature is a different class of problem.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. Strahd Ivarius Silver badge

          You can solve a technical problem, but not all problems are soluble in a solvent...

          You are however free to check if EM is soluble in water.

          1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

            Are you implying he may "do a Robert Maxwell"?

  14. bolangi

    Elon should read the Onion's brief to the Supreme Court on parody

    Parody has a long history and should be protected, it argues here:

    1. Steve Button Silver badge

      Re: Elon should read the Onion's brief to the Supreme Court on parody

      There's a fine line between parody, and actually trying to fool people into believing you are that person. If you change your name on Twitter to Elon Musk, then you have gone beyond parody.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Elon should read the Onion's brief to the Supreme Court on parody

        But how can you prove that the EM account owner is indeed EM?

        Did he provide you with his password?

  15. Spanners

    Cultural Problems

    Being from the USA, Musk has a number of cultural problems.

    1. He does not understand what "free speech" is.

    2. Or freedom.

    3. Or satire

    4. Or that having suitable ancestry and good luck does not mean you are brilliant.*

    Having that much money, he can have brilliant advisers. Is he paying any attention to them?

    I wish him well. Tesla is probably doing more to combat global warming than that media circus in Egypt!

    But just in case, I have a Mastodon account

    *I have no doubt that he is cleverer than me but that doesn't prove much!

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Cultural Problems

      "Being from the USA, Musk has a number of cultural problems."

      Starting with the fact that he's from South Africa, being born there in 1971. He became a Canadian citizen in 1988, and then a US citizen in 2002, aged 31ish ... I rather suspect most of his adult attitudes and prejudices were firmly established by then.

      But don't let that get in the way of a good rant, Spanners.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Cultural Problems

        Well, someone who moves from Canada to the US can't really be sound of mind...

        Perhaps he longs for the good old times of the Confederation...

        1. Danny 5

          Re: Cultural Problems

          For the filthy rich, the US is better than Canada.

  16. steviebuk Silver badge

    He's already started what we realised he was going to do

    He decided against the court case (most likely cause he'd have lost) and took over Tweeter JUST before the mid-term elections. Coincidink?

    Then this today:

    To be clear, my historical party affiliation has been Independent, with an actual voting history of entirely Democrat until this year</p>&mdash; Elon Musk (@elonmusk)

  17. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

    Streisand effect

    How long before changing one's user name to Elon Musk becomes the _in vogue_ way to leave Twitter?

    1. breakfast

      Re: Streisand effect

      The blue tick has previously indicated a verified user - usually more high profile or authoritative accounts - by making it a subscription option with no verification component he has effectively completely devalued that (and potentially created a new problem for himself- the blue tick was introduced as the result of a court case) and many existing verified users have chosen to go out in a blaze of glory by impersonating him.

      The one upside of this right now is watching him go through the "Find Out" phase at incredible velocity is tremendously entertaining. Someone characterised it yesterday as Elmer Fudd having purchased a network entirely full of Bugs Bunnies.

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Musk has clearly lost the plot.

    Despite posting recently that Twitter should not be political, he tweeted this morning that people in the US should vote for the Republicans. His reasoning is that since the president is a Democrat, there should be different parties in control of the different parts of government. This might be reasonable if the Republicans showed any interest in actually governing, but they just seem to want to oppose everything for the sake of it. I get the impression some members would rather see the country in flames if it meant they could block anything Biden wanted to do.

    He then followed this up with another tweet with a picture of a WWII Wehrmacht soldier, so an actual Nazi.

    Plus, Daniel Radcliffe has been suspended. They have booted Harry Potter!

    I can only hope he spends all this time on trying to "fix" Twitter and leaves the grown ups to manage SpaceX.

    1. PerlyKing

      Wehrmacht != nazi

      I haven't seen the picture, but bear in mind that the wehrmacht was the regular German army and not all soldiers were nazis.

      1. Reaps

        Re: Wehrmacht != nazi

        if they are fighting for the nazi leader, they are fucking nazi.

        why do right wing twats just not want to admit they are fucking nazi's, haven't you worked out yet, yes you are the fucking baddies.

        1. steviebuk Silver badge

          Re: Wehrmacht != nazi

          Arnold Schwarzenegger's dad was one which he's talked about. From the sounds of it they never got on but he kept in touch with his mother.

      2. DoctorPaul

        Re: Wehrmacht != nazi

        Good point.

        My late father was born near Gdansk and was 16 when Poland was invaded.

        A few years later he was conscripted into the Wehrmacht, but more as forced labour - wasn't given a weapon, just a shovel basically.

        In Italy he did a runner and was able to join the Free Polish forces, hence my father had the dubious honour of serving in both armies during WW2!

  19. Winkypop Silver badge



  20. Roger Kynaston
    Black Helicopters

    two observations

    And before anyone points it out, I know I am ignoring my own advice. I am just a slave to the commentardosphere here on El Reg!

    First, every time someone posts a critical thing about the Chief Twi(a)t they get at least one downvote. Does the Musk Ox patrol these chats and punish anyone who says nasty things about him? Enquiring minds wish to know.

    Secondly, can we have a hold on articles about this until he drives the antisocial into the ground - perhaps the same time the Zuck android kills facefail.

    1. heyrick Silver badge

      Re: two observations

      Yeah, I've noticed the lonely downvote syndrome. It would be quite funny to imagine him hitting downvote on every single post that implies he's a bit of a wanker... but I can't help but imagine that he has more important things to do, like sticking a pin into his overinflated ego so that it bursts before his forty four billion dollar acquisition does.

      As for articles like these... more please. The real world is going to hell in a rollercoaster, and we're about to get fucked by the government / bankers / mother nature so this makes for an amusing diversion from the naffness that is life.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    > Kathy Griffin forced to tweet from dead mom's account

    This sounds like a police matter. No one should be forced to tweet, or to not be allowed to create another account.

  22. Zolko Silver badge

    Billionaires don't by media for profit

    What I don't understand is that people here at ElReg don't understand that Musk didn't buy Twitter for profit, but for political influence and power. And some lulz probably. He spent 40 billion of his virtual 250 billions ... even is he looses 100% of that ... what the bl*****dy f****ck will it matter to him ? How on Earth could he spend all his amount of money in his lifetime ? Twitter is only an amusement for him with some spare change !!!

    1. that one in the corner Silver badge

      Re: Billionaires don't by media for profit

      Except, as you point out, his billions are purely virtual: to get actual money for the deal he has borrowed from real institutions (as covered by El Reg - follow the links in the article (and the links in those (and the ...))). Backing those loans with his holdings.

      If it all goes titsup and he has to pay back those loans for real then he has to start realising other assets. Which then makes all sorts of waves on the markets.

      That may not matter to him but it will matter to the markets and thence all the way down to Real People(tm) e.g. those whose pension funds bought into Musky Boy.

      And if all the little people stop liking him, there will be no-one to cheer his spandex-covered robot - it is that cheering that matters to him the most.

  23. Danny 5

    Free speech absolutonist

    Musk claims to be a free speech absolutionist. I guess that only applies if his fragile little ego doesn't get hurt.

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