Craaap, he's almost making sense again, am I having a stroke
The incomprehensible voice from the void may be right about parts of this.
This was always an expected phase, even in fiction from before crypto took off, like Cryptonomicon. This will be a barrier for using(abusing) some of the existing networks to funnel money, but we have already seen the fork in exchanges and protocols that are buying into regulation in an attempt to go fully legitimate, and projects like Monero that DNGAF what governments think.
So the grey and black markets will lose direct access to the banking system in some jurisdiction, which is a secondary concern for their operations. It also created a profitable role for another class of middle men and money changers to bridge those markets.
Nothing these proposals outline will "Fix" the ransomware problem. It will just breed one more layer of shell the money will pass through. The middle men will clear enough transactions before(and if) they get busted to let the big ticket ransomware continue to operate. And it will make cases that much harder to track once the criminals adapt.
This is just an excuse for the government to wade in and start regulating the crypto space. Not that most parts of it couldn't benefit from some sane regulation, but what we are more likely to see is a cover for asset seizures, taxes, and fees. The big exchanges will play along, and the smaller ones will scatter to jurisdictions out of the reach of the major governments.
Which was also part of the plan from the beginning.