Re: 68 Billion Colours ?
I think we were told, way back when color monitors existed and the first high-end graphics cards were born, that 16.8 million is "True Color".
This is the important bit for those who can't follow the link :
"For a display to fool the eye into seeing full colour, 256 shades of red, green and blue are required; that is 8 bits for each of the three primary colours, hence 24 bits in total. However, some graphics cards actually require 32 bits for each pixel to display true colour, due to the way in which they use the video memory – the extra 8 bits generally being used for an alpha channel (transparencies)."
So now I get it. The graphics card is no longer bothering with just 256 shades + transparency. Instead of using 8 bits per RGB value, it is now using 12 bits for every color.
12 bits gives up to 4095 values, raise that to the third power and you get 68 billion.
I doubt the eye is going to see much difference though.