Just Wow
First, what a dismal, depressing attitude, especially the 2nd to last paragraph.
Second, This, "The rising cost of energy and living can be traced to the global effects of the Russia-Ukraine war, started February"
You know, hydrocarbons have their problems and we are working in the US and EU/UK to come up with alternate sources of energy to keep us warm and fuzzy and all that. But if whiners and alarmists hadn't put the cart before the horse and gone 'green' (which is anything but), before having actual, scaled out, viable solutions, well, the world wouldn't be in this pickle, now would they? Coal plants getting fired back up, nuclear plants getting their shut downs reversed, etc. Why, it's almost as though anyone with half a brain might have predicted this sort of thing could happen...
Lastly, if we had true leaders, we wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place. Alas, all we have are politicians who care less about serving the people they are supposed to represent, and more about lining their pockets and getting re-elected. Who is to blame for that?